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Chevylya Salikin posted:

Be A Kid Again

Try the following:

* Give yourself a gold star for everything you do today.
* Grow a milk mustache.
* Open a pack of cupcakes and give one to a friend even though you wanted both of them for yourself.
*Have a staring contest with your cat.
* Kiss a frog just in case.
* Make a face the next time somebody tells you "no."
* Ask "Why?" a lot.
* Believe in fairy tales.
* Have someone read you a story.
* Wear your favorite shirt with your favorite pants even if they don't match.
* Do a cartwheel.
* Hide your vegetables under your napkin.
* Make a "slurpy" sound with your straw when you get to the bottom of a milkshake.
* Sit really still for as long as the dog (or cat) is asleep in your lap.
* Find some pretty stones and save them.
* Stick your head out the car window and moo if you see a cow.
* Walk barefoot in wet grass.
* Giggle at nude statues in a museum.
* Make cool screeching noises every time you turn.
* Count the colors in a rainbow.
* Fuss a little, then take a nap.
* Take a running jump over a big puddle.
* Giggle a lot for no real reason.
* Do that tap-someone-on-the-shoulder-while-you-stand-on- their-opposite-side-and-they-turn-around-and-no-one's- there thing.
* Enjoy your all-time favorite candy-bar. (Forget you've heard of calories!)
* Throw something and when it lands make a cool exploding bomb noise.
* Squish some mud between your toes.
* Buy yourself a helium balloon.
* Put an orange slice in your mouth, peel side out, and smile at people.
* Be a kid again...

~Author Unknown~

Views: 30
Comments: 0
Posted: Jan 20, 2012
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