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Chevylya Salikin posted:

Lord, I may not know where I'm going,
but I surely know where I've been.
Down the dusty roads I traveled,
You became my one true friend.

I learned to bear my burdens
when I was just a child,
and so I picked them up
and tried to carry them a while.

For many years I struggled
as I walked the path alone,
afraid that if I put them down
I'd find that they were gone.

They became sources of comfort,
often the only ones I had,
and if I couldn't carry them,
my life might be just sad.

I had no one to turn to,
to listen or to share,
and if I was defeated,
I thought no one would care.

For years I walked those dusty roads
until I came to see,
the saving of the universe
is not left up to me.

Like a soldier in the army,
I learned who's in command.
I trust that You will lead me
if I offer You my hand.

Dusty Roads
~ Linda Gleason ~

Views: 38
Comments: 2
Posted: Jan 20, 2012
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Chevylya Salikin commented:

Hi Efendy, glad you like it.. Have a great weekend!

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Thank you for this great post dear Friend.


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