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Roman Price posted:

We ask for your prayers

Dear LifePulp'ers, we kindly ask for your prayers.

Please pray for the Typhoon Sendong victims. This tragedy happened in the Iligan and Cagayan de Oro Cities located in Mindanao, Philippines.

My personal prayers are with the victoms and their families, may yours be too.

Comments: 12
Posted: Dec 23, 2011 in LifePulp Members
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Port Douglas Accommodation commented: Thanks for providing such useful information. I truly thank you for professional approach. I must thanks for the efforts you have made in some recoverable format this post. I hope precisely the same best product by you sometime soon likewise.
Port Douglas Accommodation
Port Douglas Accommodation commented: Thanks for providing such useful information. I truly thank you for professional approach. I must thanks for the efforts you have made in some recoverable format this post. I hope precisely the same best product by you sometime soon likewise.
Port Douglas Accommodation
Gemaima Abayon commented: Thanks lifepulp family...
JOY to the world commented: Thanks Roman for the prayers and for all those who prayed for our distressed countrymen in Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City.
Shreya Sudesh commented: I pray for them... Hope is eternal in the Human Heart. May God give them the strength and look after them...
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented: thank you for the Prayer
and thanks Roman.... :)

anne vera commented: AMEN...
roth chai intano commented: thanks for the prayers roman...
ARVIN Miras commented: thank you for the prayers.
Roman Price commented: We have a lot of LifePulp family members in the Philippines, our hearts are with them and their families.
George P.V. commented: It is time to show our solidarity with the suffering, our prayers are with them.
April Salcedo commented: definitely.