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Roman Price posted:

Thank You!

I dreamed of a positive place now know as LifePulp, I proudly brought it to life with my business partner Jakub www.lifepulp.com/profile/10

The goal was simple, 'change the world' make it a more positive place.

We've done that, and continue to make a bigger impact on the world being a more positive place. We've also managed to change myself as a person for the better.

I thank you, (the person reading this) for you have had a HUGE IMPACT on my life. I truly, from the bottom of my heart thank you for that.

Know this; When I use the word 'we' I mean each and every person that has taken the time to become a LifePulp member. 'We' are a family.

Comments: 9
Posted: May 12, 2012 in Roman Price
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Marina V commented: NICE TO HEAR THIS THANKS
SINBAD menace commented: hi
audrey castillo commented: proud to be part of LifePulp..thanks Roman and Jakub for appreciating me as well as my postings...keep up the good work and soon u will be rewarded with all ur good deeds...God bless u both...
Ruchika Thakkar commented: U r most welcome, n also we wud like to thank u and Jakub for this wonderful website..wishing u prosperity, happiness n success,,,
God bless :)
JOY to the world commented: You're right Roman. Life Pulp has such a big impact in me that posting inspirations and reflecting on them have already been a part of my daily life. Thanks Roman and Jakub and keep going. I firmly believe that it is God's will that Life Pulp be born on the web and He too will provide to keep it going.
Amy Princess commented: That's really encouraging. =)
George P.V. commented: I feel proud to be part of the LIFEPULP FAMILY.May it keep on growing as a channel of inspiration and motivation. May it be a strong instrument in turning the world a better place to live in!
christine kalenga commented: thank you.
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented: I'm very thankful to both of you for realising this dream. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be a part of this. Many thanks to you (Roman & Jakub). Congratulations.