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Roman Price posted:


IM always looking for ways to make LifePulp a better place.

Your feedback is welcome, please comment below on what you like and what could be improved. Suggestions for new features are welcome as well.

I would love to know the user experience from a member's point of view and how we can improve it.

Comments: 3
Posted: May 22, 2012 in LifePulp Members
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May C commented: I agree with Ms. Joy. This site is a nice welcome for all drooping spirits and is a good therapy for downcast souls. Inspirations are a great motivational factor in making you see the bright side of life be it said in just plain words or pictures. And, as far as I can see the posts speaks much of the profile members. It would be nice if you can provide some album photos slots for the members to know each other. We become friends here through the inspirations and posts but it would be a personal touch to know each other more to come out in the open and not remain anonymous, You see, I noticed some members writing me on my profile asking for my friendship and e mail, but it also pays to know who your supposed friend is because some only pose as spammers which one can not avoid. I have had three such like posts on my profile and they then erase it once I do not reply. This site as far as I can see is a site for good honest well meaning people
George P.V. commented: The Birth dates of Lifepulp members could be flashed so that we can wish each other and thereby keep our solidarity as a family. It's also helpful if numbers are superimposed on the Profile in order to find whether any member has sent messages.Flowers also could be added in the list of 'Gifts'. More and more comments on the posts are always welcome and they can be motivating and encouraging.The most inspiring pulps(Staff favorites) can be listed every month which can encourage us further.
JOY to the world commented: For fellow Life Pulpers, much better if we use photos with higher resolution and to observe correct spelling and mechanics. Let's write you as "you" not u and begin sentences with capital letters and with the appropriate punctuation mark. Let's also acknowledge the source of the inspiration by indicating its author. Thanks Roman and to all Life Pulpers and let's all keep inspiring.