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Roman Price posted:

Amazing Story

LifePulp member writes,

Hello! I just recently closed my facebook temporarily for personal reasons, but I can not bring it in my heart to close my lifepulp account as well even temporarily.

There is not much to tell regarding how lifepulp has brought about the change in my outlook. But one thing for sure, the more I read the inspirations posted especially the personalized ones out of the member's own opinions, the more inspired and motivated I get. It is not an easy life most of us lead. The ups and downs that comes up with the frustrations, depressions and most often failures are enough to bring one down and give up.

This is not an easy life, but somehow when I get to read the posts, it gets me to thinking how lucky I am to be be a member of this site which I presume did not come by accident. I was really on the verge of total despair over a lot of misfortunes, tragedies and failures in my life it is even enough to make me stop the clock ticking and put me just right on my tracks and simply stop. You may say that I could almost wish myself to stop breathing.

Yet lifepulp has thousands of members which I presume have just about the same reasons that I get for having signed up on this site... to give inspirations and motivations and let each other see the bright side of the world.

The change in my life? Lots of it, especially the dear friends I got like Prince, Divine, Joy, Effendy, and the others who gets me more motivated not to give up. It is still a beautiful world after all.

Send your story using the 'contact us' link www.lifepulp.com/contact

Comments: 4
Posted: Jun 12, 2012 in LifePulp Success Sto
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ade abdul commented: What else can I say? This is the believe and the sole reason why this was built. This is a good start and turning point for most of us!!!
Nice to here from someone saying this.
ade abdul commented: What else can I say? This is the believe and the sole reason why this was built. This is a good start and turning point for most of us!!!
Nice to here from someone saying this.
JOY to the world commented: Blessed be God for this grace.Life Pulp did really turn around lives on the brink of despair.
Roman Price commented: Such an amazing story :)