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Roman Price posted:


"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western-Union internal memo, 1876. Alexander Bell offered the patent for the Telephone to Western-Union in 1876 for $100,000. Western-Union declined. The telephone patent has been estimated as the most valuable patent ever.

Every expert has been wrong at some point in their career, trust me IM an expert and I've been more wrong then most **wink

A business adviser told me LifePulp.com was a bad idea so I did it anyway.

Comments: 4
Posted: Feb 4, 2011 in Personal Thoughts
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Catherine Rocheford commented: If I remember correctly this was posted some time ago "All the achievements in this world are made by people who had the courage not to listen to the crowd, but to do what they felt was right!
Jessica Poirier commented: awesome!!
Michelle Blond commented: LOVEEEEEEIIITTTTTTTTT!!!
Roman V commented: GREAT BLOG!!