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LifePulp Featured N/A's Post: N/A

Editor's Note

Roman Price writes:

The world is better off with 'you' in it rather then another copy of 'me'.

Be yourself, the world will be a better place because of it.

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Comments: 2
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 in User Posts
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Jaycel Hurley commented: Yeah, exactly!;)
Atede Joy Ojochenemi commented: wow! this is truly a great post, u know, people'll tend to criticize, persecute and condemn someone that has focus, but since u're a determned person, and have GOD as your backbone, u're reaching ur promise land.

Just like when i started an educational club when i was in sec. school, which is still going on till now, i was so much discouraged and i'm a very shy girl, the worst was when i was organizing a programme, some said it will result in shambles, but i give GOD the Glory cos it was a success. We invited people of prominence, and i & my club members were sponsored by a bank, which i never believed it will happen. God put people that believed in me that it'll surely work out well, cos of that the principal particapated fully and 'twas the first time that a prog. like that will be organised by a student, even those that were condemning it became a helping hand. Out of that i learnt that: OUR VISIONS & MISIONS ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT, BUT SINCE U HAVE FOCUS & DETERMINATION U CAN ACHIEVE IT, so no matter what, u can never run away from destiny, even if they try to divert u, since GOD has said this is what i want from u, nothing can stop u, cos everybody has a purpose on earth.

Keep on encouraging others, u're great! :)