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Roman Price posted:

2 Lessons

In my life at the moment are a number of ongoing battles.

They have been kind enough to teach me 2 powerful lessons I wanna share with you today.

First - Life needs purpose. If you have purpose you have something to live for, a never ending fight inside you to overcome anything that may be foolish enough to get in your way.

Every single one of you here at LifePulp is my purpose, my reason to get through the day no matter what and I thank you for that.

Second - Battles are best overcome with good people by your side, and theres none better then the people here on LifePulp.

Together, right here on LifePulp I believe we can take on the world and make it a better place in the process.

Your friend forever and always,
Roman Price

Comments: 1
Posted: Oct 7, 2011 in Personal Thoughts
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CHARM BENITEZ commented: nice!