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Roman Price posted:

Zimmerman Household

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

The Zimmerman household is full of love, compassion and people trying to better this world. Simply put, they treat strangers like family and have a heart of gold.

IM proud to say they are the first family to join LifePulp as a whole. Jeff, Irene, Tessa and Olivia I welcome you on behalf of all LifePulp family members.

Inset the photo above: Irene, Jesse (friend), Tessa, Olivia and myself.

Missing in action: Jeffery Zimmerman

Comments: 3
Posted: Jan 8, 2012 in Legendary
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JOY to the world commented: Great blog. To Tessa and her brood thumbs up!
Angela Ramnarine commented: that's the truth love the words
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented: yeah Roman, its very true :)