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LifePulp Featured Tessa Zimmerman's Post:

"I think the only thing I can say is don't give up. Your inner voice will find it's way out. Mine did."
~Carly, 14 year old, autistic girl

Inside the mind of an autistic girl who is able to express her brilliant self through typing, even though she can't talk. This video is a great demonstration of how you cannot make assumptions of who a child/person is on the inside by the way they look or express themselves.

Editor's Note

Roman Price writes:

"I'll go through many sleepless nights to hear that, I'll spend every penny we have to hear that." Arthur F in response to his daughter Carly typing the following...

"Dear dad, I love it when you read to me. And I love that you believe in me. I know IM not the easiest kid in the world, however you are always there for me holding my hand and picking me up. I love you."

Most see Carly doing extraordinary things towards the end of this video, I agree as Carly is a true inspiration to all. A modern day fighter in my book, a real winner.

Love knows no limits. I believe the power of Arthur's love towards his daughter played a vital role in the birth of this miracle and it was priceless to watch. That's what I took away from this the most. Do you agree? Comment below.

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Posted: Jan 15, 2012 in User Posts
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