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Roman Price posted:

Organic Foods

Here's a powerful demonstration of organic foods vs non organic foods.

Comments: 4
Posted: Jan 18, 2012 in Healthy Living
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universall empire commented: That was wonderful, I love to see the younger generations being aware of just what's to come, and the sad part is that they are the ones teaching the adults these days. My respect goes out to her parents/parent/legal guardian,etc. (see where we've come as a society?) for showing her the benefits of organic vs. chemical usage on the foods that we eat. Instilling that at a young age will allow this little girl to move mountains when she's older. Thanks for the great post!
Tessa Zimmerman commented: Thanks for sharing this! I am going to do this experiment with my little scientist, Sommer! My toxicology class just researched chlorpropham. We found it has an organic chemical composition which allows it to react with chemicals in the human body. It may interfere with biochemical processes in the body (such as metabolism) by creating free radicals. Chlopropham produces carbon monoxide, which bonds to hemoglobin better than oxygen. It is a PGR (plant growth regulator) thats used for pre emergence control of grass weeds in vegetables; it inhibits root growth and photosynthesis, causing damage to the plant. It's not teratogenic, which means it causes birth defects. We assume that it's so toxic that it thus causes the fetus to abort. Chronic exposure in laboratory animals has caused increased liver, kidney and spleen weights, lesions of the spleen and retarded growth. Remember, chlorpropham is a growth regulator, so retarded growth in animals should not come as a surprise. We speculate that the lesions of the spleen are caused by the carbon monoxide levels in the blood. The spleen recycles hemoglobin from all red blood cells. If these blood cells contain the combination of hemoglobin and carbon monoxide, long term damage to the spleen is probable. What's even more scary is that we don't know all the affects of this toxic chemical. It could inflect even worse damage and we don't even know it yet!
mike vaccaro commented: I mean that in a positive way
mike vaccaro commented: Organic food is healthier and safer than food produced conventionally
if farmers are following proper protocols.