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Roman Price posted:

'Joy to the world' Award 2011

Today the LiFePulp 'Joy to the world' award for 2011 left Canada for its new home in the Philippines with Joy (Winner of the award).

Joy's profile on LifePulp

Comments: 9
Posted: Feb 11, 2012 in Press Release
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ron cobilo commented: Congrats Ate JOY! sooooo proud of you :)
Henry Joven Maquiling commented: Congrats Ate Joy!!!
Achi Z commented: congratulations ate joy! so proud of you..:)
Loren Thomas M commented: Congrats ate Joy! :)
JOY to the world commented: I just read this now and thanks so much Roman. My school principal is very happy and we are all eagerly awaiting for this. To God be the glory.
olive r commented: congrats!!!!
Marlene M commented: yeheeeey! congrats :)
George P.V. commented: Great, Congrats Joy. May you continue inspiring & win more awards.
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented: wow, amazing!....congrats Joy, im so proud of you my dear friend!