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LifePulp Featured Roman Price's Post:

Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.

Simple but true.

Above is a photo of myself after a 36 hour work day. It included a 12 hour drive through a snowstorm into Westport CT so I could give a inspirational talk at The Centre for Energy Healing.

Note: I fell asleep working (my sister captured this moment in time).

I loved every hour of that day. It wasn't work, more like play.

Editor's Note

Roman Price writes:

IM thankful for having the chance to share this personal story with you, I hope you enjoyed it dear friend.

Comments: 4
Posted: Feb 17, 2012 in Roman Price
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sumita sharma commented: god bless you dear. you are really solve my lots of problem through your inspiration..... when i read them i boost up with myself...thanks Roman
JOY to the world commented: So inspiring Roman. Even in sleep you still gives off energy and positive vibes.
Roman Price commented: I love my trips to Connecticut! and ECDS! Can't wait to go back.
Suellen Inwood commented: You deserve the rest! Your talk was truly inspirational! Can't wait until you come back to Connecticut.