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LifePulp Featured Roman Price's Post:

The door may not be open, but that doesn't mean it's closed.

The door may be closed, but that doesn't mean it's locked.

The door may be locked, but that doesn't mean forever.

Some doors are easier to open then others, while others are simply worth the effort to open.

The 'secret' to opening any door lies in not giving up.

-Roman Price

Editor's Note

Roman Price writes:

A personal thought one morning to setback's in my life.

It's this kind of mindset that makes the setbacks temporary instead of permanent.

Comments: 6
Posted: Mar 12, 2012 in Roman Price
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georgina chisunka commented: that's pretty true.you are what you think
kiven dave commented: think great and your life will be so..
you are shaped by what u think...
sathyanarayan nair commented: thats a good idea
Costa Mwilima commented: That is nice post. i inspired.
NANCY CABALLERO commented: Thank you for posting this inspiring message! I may not be too active because I was too busy with my work but from time to time I find time to enlighten my day through the quotes posted lifepulp.