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Roman Price posted:

My Best Friend 1 of 5

"You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Jim Rohn

Meet Amer, one of my best friends who inspires me more then he'll ever know or admit.

If you only knew the ups and downs he's overcome. The mediocre minds that tried to belittle his ambitions. His will to go 'toe to toe' with life and everything it's thrown at him you would be inspired too.

The profession he's chosen isn't 9-5 with weekends off, its 24/7 with no breaks or excuses. No cheating because he can only cheat himself and most of all he has to go though hell to get to heaven (The Top).

The video above takes you into his daily world for 30 minutes. The other 23 1/2 hours are just as hard if not harder mentally and most of all physically.

Comments: 5
Posted: Jan 27, 2011 in Personal Thoughts
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Atiya Nurain commented: agree with P.D amazing !
Michelle Blond commented: Will def try and include some of those exercises @ the gym during my workouts.

Great job Amer!
Dubbed Fresh commented: Motivated me!
Roman Price commented: One of my favorite blogs to date by far!
Pulp Daily commented: Amazing!