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LifePulp Featured Atiya Nurain's Post:

Tell a girl she's beautiful and she'll believe it for a moment. Tell a girl she's worthless and she'll believe it for the rest of her life.

Editor's Note

Roman Price writes:

Emotional scars much like actual scars really do last a lifetime.

We don't realize it during moments of anger but words are as sharp if not sharper then any knife in the drawer.

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Comments: 3
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 in User Posts
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Hildegard Gmeiner commented: I totally relate to that. Tongues cut sharper then knives.
However, the pen is mightier then the sword!
Roman Price commented: Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Atiya Nurain commented: Thank you for posting it here, Roman :) Thank you from the bottom of my heart :D HAHA