Tessa Zimmerman

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Tessa Zimmerman's 88 subscribers:
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- "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that...
- "If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits." Don Ward
- "Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember - the only taste of...
- "Every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a...
- "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward us."...
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Hi Tessa. I hope you had a great day today!
i really like your posts keep it up.
Have a lovely day Tessa. I hope all are well with you out there at home and in school. God bless you.
Hi Tessa! This is a picture of a robin I took on the Columbia campus...I'm so glad spring is coming around ^_^ Can't wait to see you guys at Aaron's bar-mitzvah...
May your Easter celebration be a time of blessing and renewed faith and strength.
Happy Easter tessa!
May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Tessa.
Life is like a book. To better appreciate and love it you've got to read it page by page with utmost interest and learn from it. In life as well, we've got to savor it day by day and enjoy it. It is only then that we can truly say LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Have a great day Tessa.
Hi Tessa. I hope you guys out there are all fine and enjoying your school life. Here in the Philippines, it's already summer vacation time though the weather is a little bit less warm and it's still drizzling. Take care Tessa and God bless.
Come on!
Each day provides its own gift.
Have a Great Day!
thank you for the pulp'd :))
Hi Tessa today in Canada we have FAMALY DAY All the best for you and yours family Thanks
Hello,godday to you and your family.
i love meeting people who loves smilingand are always happy.
Happy Valentines Day Tessa.
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Tesa, over 20,000!!!! That is incredible, way to go
You just may hit 20,000 inspirations today :)
Over 16,000 inspirational moments created, great stuff :)
Hi Tessa. Just dropping by to say 'hi' and to greet you a sweet morning. Have a great weekend too.
Hi Tessa..its nice to meet you
Hi Tessa..its nice to meet you
Thanks Tessa. It's our Foundation Week in our school and we are simply having fun until tomorrow. Hope all are well with you,your studies and your family. Take care and have a great day ahead.
Hi Tessa. Sending you this card which I personally created to inspire Life Pulpers. Hope you like it. Take care and God bless you.
hey, can you give me your email so i can add you as a friend on goodreads? that seems to be the only way to find people. :(
Thanks for being such a great 'ambassador' of our LifePulp brand :)
Morning is God’s way of telling us:
Here is One more time! Live life.
Make a difference.
Touch a heart.
Inspire a soul…
Encourage a mind.
Good Morning Tessa :)
Dropping by just to say 'hi Tessa'. Take care and may God bless and guide you in making choices in life.
Hi Tessa. Wishing you a great weekend to rest your mind from school work. We all need leisure to drive all those stress away. Right?
2,500 plus inspirational moments in such a short time. Great job :)
You're doing a great mission Tessa. You and your schoolmates simply amaze me. Keep up the good work!
Tessa thanks for the wonderful email and pictures of the students on LifePulp today :)
Tessa I officially set my homepage to lifepulp. Hands down best site ever.
Happy New Year Tessa. May 2012 be full of God's abundant blessings for you and your family.
Best Wishes For A Happy New Year to you and your family!
I read some of your blog recently. I really like it!!!! Great reading some of the health information you put up.
thank you for subscribing Tessa :)
Hi Tessa. I am deeply happy to see you with the Joy to the World. As a teacher I am doubly proud that a student, so sweet and pretty is holding it. Merry Christmas Tessa. God bless you and your family!
Tessa the Joy to the world award your holding belongs to this LifePulp member.
Joy lifepulp.com/profile/3221 (she's the one I've been telling you about).
Thanks for taking the time to join us here at LifePulp Tessa :)