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nii a commented:

thanks dear and send my greetings to child for me..... tell her a friend of urs want her to be good...............

Lei Orba commented:

if forgiveness and acceptance are aLways there in your heart, then, it wiLL aLways easy for you to smiLe again no matter how it hurts .. :)

Lei Orba commented:

happiness aLways Looks smaLL when you hoLd it in your hands .. but when you Learn to share it, you wiLL realize how big and precious it is .. :)) ♥ ♥ ♥

mercy ayyagari commented:

hi gudmrng how ru?

Lei Orba commented (on 2011-11-25):good afternoon .. =) iM doing good .. how bout you??
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2011-11-25):Good, God bless u dear.
Last Reply: 2011-11-25
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price sent a gift:

Lei thanks for joining LifePulp. Great having you here.

Lei Orba commented:

Always consider yourself as a crayon....

U might not be someone's favorite color,,but one day,they're going to need you to complete they're picture....

Lei Orba commented:

super cute .. Love it!!!!

Lei Orba sent a gift:

People always think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one you value. But the truth is the most painful thing is losing urself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too."

Prince GGG commented (on 2011-11-17):well said Lei....nice thought
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
Lei Orba sent a gift:

we cannot please everybody..
what important is that there is some1 who stays wid u and willing to understand u even youre the worst person in the world....

Gobi Be +ve V commented:


Lei Orba commented (on 2011-11-08):hello .. hOw r u?? =))
Gobi Be +ve V commented (on 2011-11-08):I am doing fine.How about you? .Have a great day!
Lei Orba commented (on 2011-11-15):thanks .. take care .. =D
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
saurabh pokhriyal commented:

offcource love matter u are sweet girl

Lei Orba commented:

How Can i moved oN when i still in LOVE with you??
OMG .. Senti???? hahah!

Lei Orba commented:

I have generally found that persons who had studied painting least were the best judges of it.

Lei Orba commented:

me and mY Little Chloe.. =D

Lei Orba commented:

i Love babies!!!!! =) specially their smile .. =)

s c janakirman raman commented (on 2011-11-03):lovely picture. very nice
Last Reply: 2011-11-03
Total Replies: 1

Lei Orba

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Just Saying

Gud Day Life-PulpEr's!!!! .. Keep ur Faith high!! and alway's smile.. Like this.. =))))


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