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jon adom commented:

hi beutiful
m jon
from usa
in miami ciyt
u can meet me in yahoo
my yahoo id is [email protected]

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Geralie.

rhudolph kelly commented:

how are u dear?

geralie canete commented:

"to you my friend...

geralie canete commented:

" live your path what you want to be in the future..make each single day like living in a paradise..plan today what you want for tomorrow..imagine what it looks like and not just believe..but make it happen.."

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Geralie, Welcome to the beautiful world of Lifepulp....Have a nice time here reading and sharing inspirational posts....n if you feel, please subscribe my posts...God bless, TC n enjoy

Roman Price sent a gift:

Thanks for joining LifePulp!

geralie canete commented:

" live every day like there's no tommorow,..stays happy..and everything will turn out in what u want it to be..."

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-22):Great quote, you should post it in the community if you want
Prince GGG commented (on 2011-11-23):good one Geralie....Great start at Lifepulp....post it for community by clicking POST NOW button on top of the page.
Last Reply: 2011-11-23
Total Replies: 2

geralie canete

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