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JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jelyn. Have a greatday ahead.

jelyn durado commented (on 2012-01-14):very nice,,, love it thanks for posting like this...
Last Reply: 2012-01-14
Total Replies: 1
George P.V. commented:

Thank you, Jelyn for pulping my post. Your post are very inspiring.

jelyn durado commented (on 2012-01-12):welcome,, same ur post also very nice
Last Reply: 2012-01-12
Total Replies: 1
Marlene M commented:

Thanks for subscribing Jelyn :)

jelyn durado commented (on 2012-01-11):welcome,, nice it.
Last Reply: 2012-01-11
Total Replies: 1
jelyn durado commented:

jelyn durado posted:

The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.

jelyn durado commented:

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.

Rahul Dhiman commented (on 2012-03-04):very nice....:)
jelyn durado commented (on 2012-03-04):thanks
Last Reply: 2012-03-04
Total Replies: 2
jelyn durado commented:

Knowing yourself is not so much about introspection and interaction. To know yourself is to realize that you are more than the little self that has been given to you by your history —
the pattern that others made — that your true self is, in truth, much larger and includes other people, other cultures, other species even.
That life is less about being and more about interbeing. We come to know ourselves, then, through coming to know each other.
And the deeper that knowledge, the richer and more creative t he world we build together

jelyn durado commented:

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind.
Weak desire brings weak results, Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.

jelyn durado commented:

Picture yourself in your minds eye as having already achieved this goal.
See yourself doing the things you'll be doing when you've reached your goal.

Roman Price commented (on 2012-01-05):Great advice :)
jelyn durado commented (on 2012-01-06):thank you,,
Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-06):Great post and picture, you should put it up in the community
Last Reply: 2012-01-09
Total Replies: 10 (7 more)
jelyn durado sent a gift:

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.
It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.

jelyn durado commented:

To be free is to have achieved your life.