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Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hello florise ramos.Kindly subscribe me. Have a great day! .Nice picture .See you soon.Thank you.WELCOME TO LIFEPULP.

Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hello florise, how are you? . Nice to see you in lifepulp.Can you please add me in your list? See you soon .Have a great day! Nice picture

sahab sule commented:

Hi Florise R. Is been my pleasure to see your likes here. I'm Sahab from Nigeria. hope you're healthy and hearty today. If you don't mind, kindly subscribe me. Thanks and my Regards.

Marina V commented:


Jerrick Villanueva commented:

yes tired but happy

gouri phukan commented:

always to be follow the right way in the right time , time is money , money is sweet.....

Ashish Singh commented:

you get life once so make best use of it...spread this word as far as u can ...it might help someone somewhere someday

obed Bortey commented:

waaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooh a like ur words !!!!!!!!!!!aniway how are u doin?

florise ramos commented:

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss

florise ramos commented:

‎"Mistakes in life are priceless because they give you the opportunity to never make them again." - Roman Price

florise ramos commented:

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

florise ramos

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