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Prince GGG commented:

As rain covers the sun....
Truth covers the lie...
Angel covers the evil...
Flowers covers the garden....
I wish and Pray that Happiness covers All worries of Your Life.

Good Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful Monday n a blessed week ahead..... :-)) :-)) :-))

Prince GGG commented:

To stay happy in life always remember 1 thing:
Never compare d Care & Love given by ur loved ones….Bcoz every person cares and loves his own way…..

Good Morning Audrey….Have a wonderful Day…n a Happy weekend….God Bless tc n Enjoy

audrey castillo commented:

A smile can open a heart faster than
a key can open a door..
Smiles r free so don't save them..
Brighten d world with ur smile..

jackie M commented (on 2012-06-07):Thank so much, Have a Bless and Beautiful day
Last Reply: 2012-06-08
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Heart is not a basket for keeping tensions and sadness.Its a Golden box for keeping Roses of Happiness.
Let Your Heart be Happy, Always....

Good Morning Audrey....Have a wonderful Wednesday...God Bless U, Keep smiling :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-06):
“true friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not.”
God bless u too Prince...:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-06-07):sooo cute...thanks Audrey...
Last Reply: 2012-06-07
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

Good friends are those who care without hesitation, who remember without limitation and who love even without communication.

How are you my so sweet Audrey? I missed your presence. Please always take care. Keep in touch ok. Mmmwuahhhh!!!

God bless you my sweet friend Audrey.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-06):
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Christopher Robin to Pooh”

And me to you my sweet dear friend Dulce, i also missed u, been busy for the past few days, but i make it a point to visit LifePulp :), stay sweet sister, u too always take care, God bless u always, luv yah...
Last Reply: 2012-06-06
Total Replies: 1
May C commented:

Hello my good friend, Hope you have a real wonderful day today of blessings

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-06):
A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart.”
Last Reply: 2012-06-06
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Life is not a music player to listen to our favorite songs. Its like a Radio!!!
We must adjust our self to every frequency!!! So enjoy everything which comes on your way….

Good Morning Audrey…..Have A wonderful Tuesday….God Bless

jackie M commented:

Hi, Audrey where are you from, I see your last name and my last name is from my Spanish family

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-06):Hi Jackie, I'm from the Philippines, maybe my ancestors are spanish, no idea, both parents past away.....
jackie M commented (on 2012-06-06):Oh I see, I have some phillipinos at church, just went to a mass by a phillipino father, I could not understand much, but I did because there is only one God that is wonderful and I supported my friends in the phillipino community,,lol, take care and thanks now we can communicate more
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-07):yes that's absolutely true, we have only one God and whatever language u speak He will absolutely understand it,u take care 2, God bless u Jackie, thanks for being my friend, keep smilling and stay sweet:)
Last Reply: 2012-06-07
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
May C commented:

Happy Day my friend!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-06-01):thank u for the very nice message Ms. May, Take care and God bless u always:)
Last Reply: 2012-06-01
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Every phase in our life is bound to teach us something valuable. It depends on us weather we analyze the lessons or just turn the pages.....

Good Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful Day n a happy weekend :-))

Prince GGG commented:

"Any combination of Million Words from 26 Alphabets can NEVER express My FRIENDS"

this Message is dedicated to such a Dear, Near n Real Friends of mine, who is YOU....

Good Morning Audrey, Have a wonderful Day Ahead....God Bless, tc n keep smiling

Prince GGG commented:

Height of candles may differ, but they yield same brightness.
Same way, it is not the matter of ur position, but ur ability that actually shines...

Good Morning Audrey...Have a great day :-))

Neemah Joe commented:

With love

Prince GGG commented:

Life is a pathway of many colors and dead ends, but when we choose the right path of love, care, respect and peace..sights are Amazing.... Good Morning Audrey....Have a Beautiful Tuesday...Smiles :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Wishing you a love filled day Audrey!

Prince GGG commented:

Man asked GOD :- Please give me "Everything" to "Enjoy Life".
GOD replied:- I have given You "Life" to "Enjoy Everything"....

Let us just understand this , n ENJOY our Life....

Good Morning Audrey....Have a wonderful day today....God Bless, tc n keep smiling :-))

May C commented:

A good friend comes not by accident, it comes by choice, it comes through similarities and differences of nature bonded one common goal of friendship built on simple trust and honesty and faith with one another. Time elapsed does not change a thing on a strong friendship, good day my friend!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-05-26):
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with friendship. have a nice evening Ms. Mae...
Last Reply: 2012-05-26
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

There's a point in every true friendship, where friends stop being friends and become sisters. And that's what you are to me Audrey, a real sister. Always take care and enjoy every moment of your life. Keep smiling too and stay sweet as you are. Just keep in touch even if we don't talk that much. Have a great weekend ahead Audrey. Mmmwuahhh!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-05-26):
Don't ever be afraid to come to me ~n~ cry* *Don't ever hesitate to look me ~n~ the eye* *Don't ever be afraid to tell me how you feel* *Remeber you r my sister ~n~ we gotta keep it real, Hi Dulce, really miss u my sweet friend, yes, stay in touch, luv yah, takce always..mmmmwah
Last Reply: 2012-05-26
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

The best things in life are free....like HUGS, SMILES, SWEET MEMORIES, KISSES, FAMILY, SLEEP, LOVE, LAUGHTER n GOOD FRIENDZ......I WISH YOU HAVE PLENTY OF THEM IN UR LIFE....Good Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful day n A Great Weekend....Smiles :-))

Prince GGG commented:

An Artist was asked at award function: ”Which is your Best Painting??”
He replied: “MY Next One!!!”
Like this, let Our Aim for tomorrow be higher than achievement of Today……Good Morning Audrey…..Have a wonderful day….. Keep smiling

Prince GGG commented:

The most important part of our personality is our thoughts because looks can gain only attraction, which is temporary But thoughts can Win Hearts, Forever……..Good Morning Audrey…..Have a Great Day…Keep smiling

audrey castillo commented:

If i was there tonight:
i would cover you in a blanket of love,
and hold you in my arms all night.
I would protect you against the monsters under your bed
and show you how much i care about you.
kisses and hugs, sweet dreams
Good Night Everyone....

Divine G commented (on 2012-05-22):gud of u stay bless
Last Reply: 2012-05-22
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

As people see my messages everyday, they might think I am addicted to messages..
But actually I am addicted in holding good relations in this Life…..n this Message is for “One of MY Good Friend”…. Good Morning Audrey….Have a Great Day…. :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-05-22):
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. Hi Prince, Have a nice evening, thanks for being a wonderful friend:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-05-23):beautiful message.....thanks Audrey....i value ur friendship n appreciate all ur sweet gestures....God Bless U my dear friend
Last Reply: 2012-05-23
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Time decides WHOM you MEET in ur life, your Heart decides WHOM you WANT in life but Your Behavior
decides WHO WILL STAY in your life.
Wish You have more and more wonderful people around U, Always…..
Good evening Audrey….Have a wonderful weekend…..Enjoy with ur dear ones…

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Audrey. Enjoy your day with family and friends.

Prince GGG commented:

1st Cordless phone was made by GOD....The model called "Prayer"..
It Never loses signal, No battery, No recharge, & can be used anywhere without roaming charges....So always stay CONNECTED....

Good Morning Audrey....Have a Great Day...God Bless :-))

happy k commented:

stay blessed audrey and keep inspiring..!!

happy k commented:

Hi dear Audrey, how are you? Sori i failed to disturb you much since last week, i even failed to visit my lifepulp profile. Anyway, am back and all is well. Have a blessed night, Audrey.

Megami Hinata commented:

what do you want me to call you? tita or ate? just tell me and whatever it is you will still remain as my sweet dear friend..thank you also for the friendship..stay sweet as you are tita or ate audrey....have a nice day..:)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-05-17):well, its up to u Meg, what is much comfortable with u, i'm 40y/o now :) anyway u want to call me then fine with me, stay sweet Meg, mwah....
Last Reply: 2012-05-17
Total Replies: 1
☆Effendy Karto☆ sent a gift:

Hi dear Audrey. I'm doing fine. So are you right. Take care always dear. Okay, to help you. The moment you write a comment you see:
"Add Photo or Video" and "Give a Gift" So you click Give a Gift. You can choose which gift you want to post. Maybe the browser is the problem, but prefer the latest version. Google chrome and Firefox works fine. Good? I hope it will works dear Audrey. Here I send you a gift. :)

Marlene M commented:

Thanks Audrey :)

JOY to the world commented:

Life is beautiful...live it with joy! Have a nice day, Audrey.

Raman Aggarwal commented:

Wish you a wonderful and blessed day ahead.

Prince GGG commented:

Every morning is the symbol of rebirth of our life.
It is in our hands to make today’s life beautiful…Make BEST of Today….Good Morning Audrey....Have a good day :-))

audrey castillo commented:

M is for the Million things she gave her children
O means Only that she's growing old
T is for the Tears she shed to raise us
H is for her Heart of purest gold
E is for her Eyes with love light shining
R means right and right she'll always be


Prince GGG commented:

“Happiness” is more important than “Smile” because “Smile” comes from “Lips” but “Happiness” comes from “Heart”….. Be Happy, forever…..Gudmrng Audrey….Have a Good Day…. n Keep smiling :-))

love jack commented:

My friendship is not a game to play nor a word to say. It doesn't start on March and end on May but it is yesterday, today, tomorrow and everyday.keep smiling audrey :)

love jack commented:

A true friend is not like a rain which pours & goes away.
A friend like a air, which is silent but always around u...keep smiling:)

JOY to the world commented:

Have a great day Audrey. Keep inspiring.

audrey castillo commented:

Side by side or miles apart, friends are forever close to your heart. Good Morning myLifePulp Family, God bless everyone, love u all :)

Prince GGG commented (on 2012-05-07):
LIFE is like Cotton….Don’t make it heavier by sinking it in the water of sorrow, but make it lighter by letting it blow in the wind of Joy….Good Morning Audrey…Have a blessed day and a wonderful week ahead…..Keep smiling
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-05-07):hi Prince, thanks for the nice msg, u too have a blessed Day, God bless u always... :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-05-07)::-)) Thanks Audrey..
Last Reply: 2012-05-10
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
Prince GGG commented:

"Life never seems 2 be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can...."
There is No Perfect Life, but we can always fill it with Perfect Moments...
n I wish All Ur days are filled with Those "Perfect Moments"...

Good Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful Wednesday... :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Somebody asked Life: Why are you so difficult….??
Life smiled and said…”You never appreciate easy things”

So accept life as it is...

Good Morning Audrey.…Have a good day..:-))

Prince GGG commented:

Always be ready for everything in Life, because life is too short n we don't have time to practice for everything, before it happens....

Good Morning Audrey....Have A Wonderful Monday n a successful Week Ahead...God Bless :-))

Megami Hinata commented:

This Rose is for all the beautiful people who gave me the privilege to be a part of their life as a friend...thanks a lot miss audrey for your sweetness...take care and God bless you...mwuah!

Prince GGG commented:

To smile without condition……
To talk without intention……..
To give without reason……..
To care without expectation, is the beauty of any True Relation…..
Good Morning Audrey, Have a good day… :-))

love jack commented:

You can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together....
keep smiling :)

Prince GGG commented:

Life is like a mirror…Smile at it….It will smile back, for sure…. Good Morning Audrey, Have a wonderful Day :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Relations are not like exams to pass or fail OR not a competition to win or loose.....
But it’s a feeling in which you care for someone more than urself….Good Morning Audrey, Have a wonderful week ahead

Prince GGG commented:

A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing, b’coz….Life is 10% how U make it and 90% how U take it….Good Morning Audrey....Have a wonderful day n A Happy weekend... :-)) Keep Smiling

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

good morning Audrey ")

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-20):Good Morning Rose, Have a blessed Day..:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-20
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Hi Audrey. Wishing you all the best in life today and everyday. Enjoy life and have a great day ahead!

Magdalena Anna commented:

Good night Audrey

Megami Hinata commented:

One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day miss audrey!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-18):If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile... But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me. keep on smiling Pretty Meg...
Megami Hinata commented (on 2012-04-18):
awww..that's so sweet of you miss audrey..thank you for being so nice..keep smiling too..enjoy the rest of the day..mwuah!
Last Reply: 2012-04-18
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. God bless you sweet audrey....

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-18):Hi Dulce, have a blessed day to u my dear friend, God bless u always:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-18
Total Replies: 1
Raman Aggarwal commented:

Have a wonderful day friend Audrey:)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-18):hi Raman, hope u had a nice day, have a wonderful evening, God Bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-18
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

- Marcus Aurelius

Have a great day ahead Audrey.

May C commented:

Hello pretty soul! Have a nice day. Stay always in the Lord's grace

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Audrey. I hope you had a great day. Enjoy your evening friend.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-17):
Hi Ms. Joy, have a nice and sound sleep, see u again tomorrow, waiting to see ur inspiring words here...Goodnight....God bless....mwah hugs
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-17):Hi Ms. Joy, have a nice and sound sleep, see u again tomorrow, waiting to see ur inspiring words here...Goodnight....God bless....mwah hugs
Last Reply: 2012-04-17
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Good Evening Audrey.....

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-17):
Good Evening Prince...
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-04-18):So sweet...thanks Audrey....
Last Reply: 2012-04-18
Total Replies: 2
Magdalena Anna commented:

Hello Audrey. Wish You a nice day :)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-17):
Hi Magdalene, have a blessed day to u, God bless u always my sweet friend:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-17
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

At times we may not know where GOD is but we can be confident that HE always knows where we are…..God Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful day n a successful week .. :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-16):Hi Prince, thanks for the nice msg, Have a nice and peaceful evening, God bless:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-04-17)::-)) Thanks Audrey....God Bless U too...smiles
Last Reply: 2012-04-17
Total Replies: 2
Magdalena Anna commented:

The future starts today, not tomorrow.
- Jan Paweł II

JOY to the world commented:

Good night Audrey.

Magdalena Anna commented:

Good morning. Wish You a nice weekend Audrey.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-14):
hi Magdalena, same with u, have a great weekend , God bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-14
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

FRIENDSHIP is an unwritten promise, not given by pledge or any written document. Instead, its a promise based on Value And Trust that is registered in one s heart. No penalties. no if or but Just pure goodwill and sincere love.. To my LifePulp Family..thank u :)

SATYAJEET G commented (on 2012-04-13):thank u dear...
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-14):its my pleasure my friend:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-14
Total Replies: 2
Raman Aggarwal commented:

Have a wonderful day Audrey.... keep smiling...-:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Audrey...n Thanks for your beautiful morning card on my wall....How are u dear friend?? Hope u are having a good time there....Always keep shining and keep growing in life....God Bless, tc :-)) n keep in touch

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-13):i'm good, how about u? its so nice to hear from u after long time, and its my pleasure Prince, no need to say thank u coz u r my friend, surely i will keep in touch, u take care too and God be with u always:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-04-13):
Thats too good Audrey....n I am good, was busy in financial year closings n new financial year planning n budgeting......but always i pray for my friends n remember all my dear friends even if i am busy....n u r one of my dear n near sweet friend....Thanks for ur understanding n precious friendship Audrey... Keep smiling
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-13):thanks also Prince, for the wonderful friendship:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-13
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
JOY to the world commented:

Each morning is a gift of new life. Do embrace its many blessings. Good morning Audrey.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-13):
Good Morning Ms.Joy, have a blessed day:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-13
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is always there for you and will never let you down. Goodnight Everyone....

May C commented:

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

May your Easter celebration be a time of blessing and renewed faith and strength.

Happy Easter!

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Audrey!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-07):
Happy Easter Ms. Joy, May God bless u always...
Last Reply: 2012-04-07
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

We must carry Jesus in our hearts to wherever He wants to go, and there are many places to which He may never go unless we take Him to them. None of us knows when the loveliest hour of our life is striking. It may be when we take Christ for the first time to that grey office in the city where we work, to the wretched lodging of that poor man who is an outcast, to the nursery of that pampered child, to that battleship, airfield, or camp...

Caryll Houselander

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented (on 2012-04-06):
On this Holy day...
May His light guide your path...
May his love grace your heart...
And may His scarifice strengthen
Your Soul !

Marina V commented (on 2012-04-08):Hi Spyrose Good Friday for you All the best Thanks
Last Reply: 2012-04-08
Total Replies: 2
Magdalena Anna commented:

Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~Charles M. Crowe

Marina V commented:

Hi Audrey Thanks for subscribing me Have a nice day

Prince GGG commented:

GOD BLESS YOU is such a small prayer….but it means a lot. It Means May the LORD with HIS Gracious Hands, give You more than You have Prayed for…. Good Morning Audrey, Have a wonderful week ahead…

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-02):People like you are found only once in a lifetime. So you better take care of yourself because I don't want to waste another lifetime to find a such a SWEET Friend. Good Evening Prince, have a blessed Holy week, May God bless u 2 always :)
Last Reply: 2012-04-02
Total Replies: 1
love jack commented:


audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-02):Knowing a friend like you has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let you go, I would find a million reasons to make you stay, Good Evening LJ, God bless u always, Have a blessed Holy week my friend :)
Last Reply: 2012-04-02
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Have a blessed Holy Week Audrey.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-04-02):May you have all the joy your heart can hold,
All the smiles a day can bring,
All the blessings a life can unfold,
May you have Gods best in everything...
Good Evening Ms. Joy, Have a blessed Holy week to u 2, God bless u always:)
Last Reply: 2012-04-02
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

When my arms cant reach people
who r close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.

May God grant u
what ur heart desires and keep u happy..
Good Night Everyone...c u all tomorrow, have a sweet dreams to all..mmmmmmwah

JOY to the world commented:

We are plants in a garden. We need to be cultivated and pruned to grow and bear fruit. Have a great day Audrey.

Prince GGG commented:

Every Sunrise delivers opportunities while every sunset asks what we did with the opportunities….. Make the best of TODAY…

Good Morning Audrey..…Have a wonderful Friday.. :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-30):Good Morning Prince, u too have a great day, take care and God bless:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-30)::-)) Thanks for your wishes Audrey... U too have a good day...God Bless
Last Reply: 2012-03-30
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship...you always feel loved and cared about...have a nice day to you my sweet friend audrey...mmmwuahhh!!!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-30):
Life is just for a while,
So always be happy & smile;
No tears if U r wise,
This is ur friend's advice!
Good Morning my Dear Friend Dulce, have a blessed day to u, stay happy, God bless, love u, mwah :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-30
Total Replies: 1
mercy ayyagari commented:

HiAudry, Do ordinary 4 God,
He will do extraordinary 4 U,
Do natural 4 God,
He will do Supernatural 4 U,
Do possible 4 God
He'll do the impossible to you.
Good Morning!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-30):
MORNING is a good time to REMEMBER
all the sweet things all sweet persons in your LIFE
so wake up with your SWEET MEMORIES...Good Morning my sweet friend Mercy, Have a blessed day to u, God bless u always :)
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2012-03-30):Hi Audry good evng, thanks for your wish, God bless u.
Last Reply: 2012-03-30
Total Replies: 2
Neemah Joe commented:

We are only given today and never promised tomorrow. So be sure to tell someone you love them. ♥ I just did.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):My heart is like an open book, it depends on how u read me. Don't judge me by my cover. Look in and discover. I will be your true friend forever. love u 2 my friend Neemah...:)
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Hi Audrey. Have a super nice day.

audrey castillo commented:

Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life’s journey we became FRIENDS.....Good Day Everyone...

Prince GGG commented:

Life is very short, so break silly rules….
Forgive quickly….
Believe slowly…
Love truly…
Laugh loudly…
And never avoid anything that makes U Smile… :-))

Good Morning Audrey…..Have a wonderful day ahead…

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):
Good Morning Prince, Have a great day to u, take care always and God bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

Between a 100,000 yesterdays & a 100,000 tomorrows, There is only one today and I would not let this pass without saying THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SUCH A LOVELY FRIEND AUDREY....

Good Morning and Have a Blessed day my sweet friend...mmmwuah!!!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):Hi Dulce, Good Morning, me too very thankful that i met new friends here at Lifepulp and u r one of them, so sweet and sincere..thank u Dulce, have a sweet day to u, God bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 1
love jack commented:

Friendship is like standing on a wet
Cement..The longer you stay, the harder
it's to leave and you can never go without
Leaving your footprints.....
GOOD Morning my dear friend keep smiling :)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):Good Morning LJ, have a nice day to u, keep on smiling, God bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 1
Megami Hinata commented:

A smile gives red colour 2 your cheeks,
White to your teeth,
Pink colour to your lips,
Silver colour to your eyes,

So keep smiling & enjoy the colours of life..

Have a nice day to you miss audrey...:)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):Good Morning little sister, thanks for the sweet message, stay sweet and keep on inspiring...have a great day to u Meg..take care and God bless :)
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-29):Good Morning little sister, thanks for the sweet message, stay sweet and keep on inspiring...have a great day to u Meg..take care and God bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

My wishes are silent but true,
Every where they will follow you,
Luck is urs, wishes are mine,
I wish ur present and future will always shine....
Good Morning to Audrey...Have a Good Day... :-))

Achi Z commented:

In the morning,
sun gazes at me to make me happy…
Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile…
Birds sings to make me smile….
But my dear audrey,
They don't know that
my smile is incomplete until
I remember your face...

Good morning to you my dear friend audrey...mwuah! :)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-28):hi pretty Dulce, nice pic, keep smiling, luv yah..mwah hugs..
Last Reply: 2012-03-28
Total Replies: 1
mercy ayyagari commented:

Even though the sun is out shining, Now that you opened your gorgeous eyes, The whole place has brightened up Good Morning

audrey castillo commented:

Morning Time-A cup of hot hello,A plate of crispy wishes,a spoon of sweet smiles & a slice of great success specially for my LifePulp Family...Enjoy the day!!!Good morning!!!....

Magdalena Anna commented:

Good morning Audrey. Wish You a wonderful day.

hina amin commented:

be happy always dear....because thats the only thing that matters....:)

Prince GGG commented:

7 Lovely Logics....

1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time, some time.
4. No one is a reason of your happiness except yourself.
5. Don’t compare your life with others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6. Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers.
7. Smile -:-)

Good Morning my dear sweet Audrey… :D)

Achi Z commented:

Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits..
and told me to share them with people who are dear to me...and i'm sharing it all with you sweet audrey...

Good Morning! Mwuahhh!!! :)

Achi Z commented:

A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship sweet audrey.....:)

Achi Z commented:

Each day God sends His angels to guide us. We don't expect to see them with wings, or with halo flying above their heads. Instead, they come in disguise and we call them friends. Thank you for being an angel to me sweet audrey!

Just keep in touch always my sweet friend...

God bless you....mmmmwuah! :)

mercy ayyagari commented:

Hai how r u frnd?

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-26):hi Mercy, I'm fine, thank u, hope everything is fine with u too, take care and God bless u always :)
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2012-03-26):Hi by the grace of God everything is fine, hope same is there.god bless u too, take care, Byeeeeeeeeee
Last Reply: 2012-03-26
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Audrey....Have a wonderful day today n a successful week ahead...God Bless, tc n keep smiling

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-26):isn't it amazing how God brings the right people into ur life at the right time, People who support, love and pray for u, regardless of the circumstances..thank u for being one, take care and God bless u always, have a blessed day Prince :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-26):
Thats True Audrey....N thanks for counting on me....m glad to be one of them...n really value your precious friendship close to my heart...God Bless U my dear Friend...Keep smiling
Last Reply: 2012-03-26
Total Replies: 2
Magdalena Anna commented:

"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke

Good morning Audrey

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-25):
Good Evening Magdalena, Have a nice weekend..God bless :)
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-25):Good Evening Magdalena, Have a nice weekend..God bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-25
Total Replies: 2
audrey castillo commented:

Whenever you share the goodness in your heart, you always end up a winner because life is an echo it gives back what you have given...Goodnight my LifePulp Family, May God bless each and everyone of u always...Luv u all... :)

Prince GGG commented:

From"Life !


To"Hope !



Good Morning Audrey...

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-23):hi Prince, thanks for the Morning message, sad that i cant c u clearly in ur pic, hehehe, have a nice evening friend, take care and God bless :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-26):Hi Audrey....How u dear friend...Hope u had a wonderful weekend.....Have a wonderful time ahead...n don't be sad, will try n change my pic.... :-)) tc n keep smiling
Last Reply: 2012-03-26
Total Replies: 2
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

have a nice Morning :)

Magdalena Anna commented:

Hello Audrey... Wish You a very nice time.
Kind regards

hina amin commented:

have a nice day..:)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-22):hi Hina, Good Morning, have a wonderful day to u my friend, God bless:)
hina amin commented (on 2012-03-22):GOD BLESS YOU 2..!
hina amin commented (on 2012-03-22):GOD BLESS YOU 2..!
Last Reply: 2012-03-22
Total Replies: 3
Achi Z commented:

As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. No matter how tough the world may seem, I still wish you the sweetest dreams. Good evening audrey.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-21):hi Dulce, Good Evening 2, thank u for the nice wish, take care and God bless u always friend...:)
Last Reply: 2012-03-21
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

family isn't always by blood. It is the people in your life who want u in theirs, the ones who accept u as u are. The ones who would do anything to see your smile. I'm happy to be part of LifePulp Family..U always makes me smile :)

love jack commented:

I asked God to make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely thru every mile;Grant u wealth, give u health & most of all give u love & care.Good Morning Friend!! keep smiling :)

audrey castillo commented:

LifePulp came into my life at such a perfect time when I needed it most. I'm so glad to be a part of the LifePulp Family, thanks to all of u who appreciated and still appreciating my post...May God bless us all..Have a wonderful day everyone...:)

Roman Price commented (on 2012-03-20):Thanks for the wonderful inspirations :)
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented (on 2012-03-20):God Bless You Soo Much.
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-21):God Bless YOU too Audrey...
Last Reply: 2012-03-21
Total Replies: 3
Magdalena Anna commented:

Good morning Audrey :)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-19):hi magdalena, good morning, thank u for remembering me always my friend, have a blessed day to u, keep on smiling :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-19
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi...Good Morning Audrey, Have A Great Monday n a successful week...God bless

audrey castillo commented:

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer ~

thank u my LifePulp family for the acceptance, May God bless us all....

Roman Price commented (on 2012-03-19):God bless you as well.
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-19):Good Morning Audrey....Have a blessed Day...God bless you too
Last Reply: 2012-03-19
Total Replies: 2
Magdalena Anna commented:

Hello Audrey. Wish You a wonderful Weekend.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-17):hi Magdalena, thank u for the wish, have a great weekend 2..God bless :)
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-17):hi Magdalena, thank u for the wish, have a great weekend 2..God bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-17
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

Sometimes, life gets so busy that we could not find time to say "Thank you" to someone who has been so nice and wonderful...Thank you audrey for always remembering me...so sweet of you my friend..God bless you and your family...mmmmwuah!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-16):its my pleasure Ms. Dulce, nice to have a friend like u...take care and God bless u 2, have a nice evening :)
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-16):its my pleasure Ms. Dulce, nice to have a friend like u...take care and God bless u 2, have a nice evening :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-16
Total Replies: 2
JOY to the world commented:

Have a great day Audrey. Keep inspiring.

audrey castillo commented:

Good morning. Start your day with a smile and joy in your heart. Believe God that everything will be alright no matter what comes your way today...

audrey castillo commented:

The sun is shining, a new day is upon us. May your day be blessed with love and peace. If you have those things, nothing else really matters.

Good Morning Everyone...

mercy ayyagari commented (on 2012-03-15):Good mrng, have a blessed day.God bless u.
Last Reply: 2012-03-15
Total Replies: 1
hasnee m sent a gift:

thanx for pulpn my post....

hasnee m sent a gift:

thanx for pulpn my post....

Prince GGG commented:

Relations require real efforts….even when all of us are busy with our own lives, a simple message after a long time will remind that few relations are still alive….Hi Audrey

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-14):yes i absolutely agree, hi Prince, (is this ur real name,hehehe), how are u? take care always, God bless:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-15):All my dear n near friends call me Prince.... m good n how bout u....Wish u have a wonderful time ahead...God Bless, tc
Last Reply: 2012-03-15
Total Replies: 2
love jack commented:

Thinking of U this lovely morning,
As the sun starts shining,
So my dear friend,
Here is my good morning,
Keep smiling morning till evening.;)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-14):hi sister, Good Morning to u, thanks for the nice morning message, have a blessed day, God bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-14
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

Always remember how beautifully God added one more day in your life, not because u need it, but someone else needs u. Hope everyone had a beautiful day today, goodnight everyone....

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Have a wonderful day!!!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-09):hi Ms. Rose, thank u for the nice quote, have a nice evening to u...
Last Reply: 2012-03-09
Total Replies: 1
Magdalena Anna commented:

Thank You for pulping my posts.

Rahul Dhiman commented:

hi girl....how are you ?

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-07):hi, i'm fine, thank u..have a great day :)
Rahul Dhiman commented (on 2012-03-07):good then,,,,,,:)
tell smthngelse ?
Last Reply: 2012-03-07
Total Replies: 2
Neemah Joe commented:

Have a beautiful fun filled day dear friend

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-07):hi neemah,thank u for the nice comments, have a blessed day to u...take care and God bless u always :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-07
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

:-)) Hi Audrey, How are u doing??? Have a blessed day....tc n keep smiling

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-07):
Friendship needs no words – it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness. – Dag Hammarskjold..
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-13)::-)) very true
Last Reply: 2012-03-13
Total Replies: 2
audrey castillo commented:

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

anne vera commented:

When God decided to give me life, He never chose randomly for the people I’m to be with…Instead..He picked the finest persons able to give meaning to my existence. Thanks for being one of them..GOOD MORNING AUDREY..

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-06):
Good Morning Ms. Anne, keep on smiling, take care and God bless..Have a blessed Day :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-06
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right. Live your life with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark signifies it!

sam kwarteng commented:

universall empire commented:

Hi Audrey how are you? Just stopped by to thank you for subscribing, and hope to hear from you soon. ttyl

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-03-04):Hi friend, i'm fine, how about u? welcome, my pleasure is mine, have a nice evening.. :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-04
Total Replies: 1
anne vera sent a gift:

thanks for subscribing me...GOD BLESS...

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-28):its my pleasure Ms. Anne, Take care and God bless u 2 :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-28
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Wishing You A Wonderful Day!

Thank you for pulping my post :)

audrey castillo commented:

Friendship is like wetting your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth...

Good Evening Everyone:)

ifeanyi iwezu commented:

yeah that is a nice one because it's a stepping
stone to have an experience in life

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-25):thanks ifeanyi, have a great day :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-25
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening & NIGHT! Whatever time zone you fall in, I think I covered them all, As for me, I'm off to bed, so good night & sweet dreams Everyone... :)

Eisa Rene Batallones commented (on 2012-02-23):have a pleasant and sweet dreams audrey
Last Reply: 2012-02-23
Total Replies: 1
Eisa Rene Batallones commented:

Thanks you Audrey for pulping my brainy quote, i give sponge bob square pants its my son's favorite cartoon character.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-23):wow. thanks you for the Sponge Bob, My Kids and I loves to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants..Have a nice Evening... :)
Eisa Rene Batallones commented (on 2012-02-23):Thanks Audrey, even its afternoon here at KSA evening will come hahahaha, one thing great that i come across with this wonderful lifepulp, its better to stay here than in fb.
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-23):oh okkkk, so u r n KSA, have a nice afternoon to u..hehehe, yes u r right, sometimes i rather stay her than fb :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-23
Total Replies: 3
anne vera sent a gift:

thanks for subscribing me Audrey....see yah!

audrey castillo commented:

✿⊱Today is going to be a GREAT DAY!!! May your day be filled with love and joy, may unexpected blessings come your way. Good Morning to all my LifePulp Friends✿⊱

love jack commented:

hi audrey thank you so much for subscribing my post...keep smiling friend :))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Audrey....Have a wonderful weekend with lots of Fun...Enjoy

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-18):You too Prince enjoy your weekend...:)
Last Reply: 2012-02-18
Total Replies: 1
Marlene M commented:

Have a great weekend Audrey :) God Bless!

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-17):hi marlene, have a blessed weekend to u, take care and GOD bless u 2...♥
Last Reply: 2012-02-17
Total Replies: 1
Megami Hinata commented:

thank you for pulping miss audrey. enjoy your weekend.:)

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-17):thank you 2 for subscribing....take care and God bless:)
Last Reply: 2012-02-17
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

Friendship is the best thing to overcome your greatest fears. With them by your side, you can stand up to anything. Good Day to my Lifepulp Family....

Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-18):Good Day to YOU as well....Smiles :-))
Last Reply: 2012-02-18
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Audrey....Have a Great Thursday...Smiles :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-16):Hi Prince, Good Afternoon to u...have a wonderful day, take care and God bless my friend...
Last Reply: 2012-02-16
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:


Achi Z commented (on 2012-02-16):enjoy your thursday afternoon audrey..:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-16):Sooo very Sweet....U too Have a good day Audrey
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-16):Hi Ms. Dulce and Prince...take care and God bless both of u... :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-16
Total Replies: 3
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Audrey.....Have a Good day... :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-15):Hi Prince, Good Afternoon, May your day filled with love and laughter..have a great day.. :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-15)::-)) thanks dear....u too have a great day ahead...tc n keep smiling
Last Reply: 2012-02-15
Total Replies: 2
Marlene M commented:


audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-15):Happy Valentines Day Sister...
Last Reply: 2012-02-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Good Morning Audrey.......n A VERY Happy Valentine's Day...Enjoy This Day of Love with Your Dear Ones:-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-15):Happy Valentines Day Prince...Hope u had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating the Valentines Day with your Love Ones...:-)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-15):Yehhh...It was great.....thanks Audrey
Last Reply: 2012-02-15
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Audrey....Have a wonderful week ahead... :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-13):
Good Evening Prince, have a wonderful and peaceful evening :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-14):sooo sweet...thanks
Last Reply: 2012-02-14
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Audrey.......Happy Promise Day

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-11):Hi Prince, Don't make promises you can't keep because the people you make them to will be hurt when you don't follow through...a piece of advice from a friend... :)
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-11):And one thing i can promise u...i can be a good friend as long as u want and u can depend on me.. :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-11):
M not sure about others, but yess, I always keep my promises......whenever i say anything, i really mean it....thanks for your precious friendship...Enjoy your weekend
Last Reply: 2012-02-11
Total Replies: 3
audrey castillo commented:

Morning is Gods' way of saying: "Live life one more time, make a difference, touch a heart, encourage a mind & inspire a soul."...GOOD MORNING to all my lifepulp family....have a blessed day everyone...

Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-11):Good Morning to U too...have a wonderful weekend
Last Reply: 2012-02-11
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Audrey......Have a wonderful Day...:-))

Prince GGG commented:

Happy Chocolate Day Audrey

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-09):wow! this is my favorite, esp. dark chocs..thanks Prince...:)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-10):Good...will keep in mind n give u lots of chocos time to time...ha ha ha
audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-10):hahaha ok ok, thank u Prince, i will look forward to that... :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-11
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Audrey....Have a Good Day. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Audrey...Have a wonderful Wednesday.. God Bless U :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for subscribing Audrey. You've got good inspirations. I love reading them. Just choose clear photos and observe correct spelling,punctuation and capitalization; and everything will be just perfect. Keep inspiring Audrey with our big brother Roman Price and Life Pulp founder Roman Price.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-08):Hi Ms. Joy,Good Morning 2, thanks for the nice comments, i really appreciated your advises, thank you...Have a blessed day...
Last Reply: 2012-02-08
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Audrey :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-08):Good Morning too Prince..Have a wonderful day.. :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-08)::-)) Thanks Audrey
Last Reply: 2012-02-08
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Audrey, Thanks You so much for subscribing my posts, n special thanks for leaving some beautiful cards n messages on my wall, i really appreciate this....I wish U have a wonderful week ahead.....God Bless, tc n keep in touch... :-))

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-06):
thank you also for pulping and subscribing my post..wish u a blessed week..Tkcr & God bless u always... :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-07)::-)) Thanks Dear Friend. Keep smiling
Last Reply: 2012-02-07
Total Replies: 2
mercy ayyagari sent a gift:

Hi, nice to see you here. God bless u.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-04):thanks so much mercy, God bless u too...:)
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2012-02-06):Welcome Audry,have a nice n blessed week ahead, God bless u , tc.......
Last Reply: 2012-02-06
Total Replies: 2
Marlene M commented:

Hi Audrey thanks for pulping my post :) GodBless!

Neemah Joe commented:

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. And for everything you gain, you lose something else.
It is about your outlook towards life.
You can either regret or rejoice.

audrey castillo commented (on 2012-02-04):thanks for the nice quotes neemah :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-04
Total Replies: 1

audrey castillo

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Just Saying

"Remember that every good friend was once a stranger"


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