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love jack commented:

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship. "

"GOOD MORNING FRIEND" keep smiling :)

Achi Z commented:

We’re not too close in distance.
We’re not too near in miles.
But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles.
Good morning Adler!

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Adler. Have a great day ahead. Keep inspiring.

Achi Z sent a gift:

hey adler thanks for subscribing...and of course welcome to LIFEPULP...enjoy reading inspirations here and everyone of us would like to see your inspiration as well...have a great day my friend...:)

Adler Sui commented (on 2012-03-29):Thanks my friend. I am glad to meet you. I like LIFEPULP. I will do my best to post my inspirations.
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S commented:

Thanks for subscribing, have a great day

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Adler Sui

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