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Roman Price sent a gift:

Brother I can't thank you enough for joining the site! Great having great canadian music artists here!

Take the time to read the inspirations in the 'Home' section of the site from time to time. They are super healthy for the brain to register. Positive thoughts lead to positive things.

Again, can't thank you enough for supporting!

Mon Like Deez commented (on 2012-02-22):No problem! Honestly, the inspirations are amazing! I``ve read easily over 100 inspirations since joining the site! Thanks for putting together an awesome site bro!
Roman Price commented (on 2012-02-23):Brother thanks so much for the kind feedback! Means the world to me. The 'Home' section is great, full of inspirations from around the world.

Thanks again for the kind words, super happy you're enjoying the site.
Last Reply: 2012-02-23
Total Replies: 2
Mon Like Deez commented:

Chillaz' Yours To Discover project is set to be released on February 28th @ www.varsityfam.com and www.champmag.com

Mon Like Deez

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