
Inspirations Created
Recent Inspirations
- Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would...
- Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of...
- Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all...
- Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another...
- I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a...
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Hello my good friend, Hope you have a real wonderful day today of blessings
"Any combination of Million Words from 26 Alphabets can NEVER express My FRIENDS"
this Message is dedicated to such a Dear, Near n Real Friends of mine, who is YOU....
Hi Chill, How are u doing fiend??? Hope all is well...Have a wonderful Day Ahead....God Bless, tc n keep smiling
Every morning is the symbol of rebirth of our life.
It is in our hands to make today’s life beautiful…Make BEST of Today….Good Morning Chill....Have a good day :-))
why ? miss u
“Happiness” is more important than “Smile” because “Smile” comes from “Lips” but “Happiness” comes from “Heart”….. Be Happy, forever…..Gudmrng Chill….Have a Good Day…. n Keep smiling :-))
have a great day chill :-)
Good morning Chill :)
At times we may not know where GOD is but we can be confident that HE always knows where we are…..God Morning Chill...Have a wonderful day n a successful week .. :-))
Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~Charles M. Crowe
Have a nice day!
Have a great morning Chill.
hi chill thank you for subscribing my post..keep smiling :)
GOD BLESS YOU is such a small prayer….but it means a lot. It Means May the LORD with HIS Gracious Hands, give You more than You have Prayed for…. Good Morning Chill n Have a wonderful week ahead…
Have a blessed Holy Week Chill.
Every Sunrise delivers opportunities while every sunset asks what we did with the opportunities….. Make the best of TODAY…
Good Morning Chill..…Have a wonderful Friday.. :-))
A simple card from me just to let you know you are special. Have a great day Chill.
My wishes are silent but true,
Every where they will follow you,
Luck is urs, wishes are mine,
I wish ur present and future will always shine....
Good Morning to Chill...Have a Good Day... :-))
7 Lovely Logics....
1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time, some time.
4. No one is a reason of your happiness except yourself.
5. Don’t compare your life with others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6. Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers.
7. Smile -:-)
Good Morning Chill… :D)
Hello Chill
Hi....Very Good Morning Chill....Have a wonderful day today n a successful week ahead...God Bless, tc n keep smiling
"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke
Good morning Chill
Hie Chill, you are creative i guess... Good time.
From"Life !
To"Hope !
Good Morning Chill...
good morning....frn..:)
Wishing you a wonderful day Chill. Keep smiling.
Hi...Good Morning Chill, Have A Great Monday n a successful week...God bless
thanks for subscribing((:
Thank You for pulping my post.
Smile Chill! Because you have just received a message from someone hoping you are fine..and that's me...nice to see you here and thanks also for reading my inspirations...take care...:)
Hi Chill
Thanks For The Subscription
hi friend! have a nice day!
Hi Chill.... Thank you very much for subscribing my posts....Be in touch n keep visiting my posts n profile....God Bless, tc n Have a wonderful time ahead
Hi Chill.....Welcome to Lifepulp Family....Have a wonderful time here.....God Bless, tc n keep in touch
Hi Thanks for subscribing me
Thank You for subscribing Chill.
Thanks for subscribing Chill. Keep inspiring.