happy k

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- If the going is real easy, beware, you may be headed down hill....
- Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are...
- Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of...
- Hard it is to repair broken hearts, and thus hearts ought to be...
- Getting lost only means that you took the wrong route. But the...
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A good friend comes not by accident, it comes by choice, it comes through similarities and differences of nature bonded one common goal of friendship built on simple trust and honesty and faith with one another. Time elapsed does not change a thing on a strong friendship, good day my friend!
Friendship is like a tree,
It is not measured on how tall it could be
But on how deep the roots have grown...Hi happy, always stay happy:)
Have a great day Happy...God bless:)
thanks for subscribing my post!
good day! thank you for subscribing
hi, thanks for subscribing...
Good night Happy
Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It's a perfect day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with. God bless you Happy.
Everyone you Meet is not Just a Coincidence but Destiny,
Leave something wonderful to those who Pass by your Life
so they will find it hard to Erase you from their Heart...Good Morning Happy..
Good morning Happy! Wish You a nice day :)
good morning Happy ")
The future starts today, not tomorrow.
- Jan Paweł II
thanks for the subscription my friend. let us all get one another inspired in the Lord. God bless always
Everyday is a new life. Good weekend pulp friends..!!
Thanks for subscribing and for pulping my posts
Thank you Happy for subscribing...have a great day:)
Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~Charles M. Crowe
Thanks for suscribing and for pulping my posts.
Have a great evening Happy.
These are the wonderful pairs in this world:
Heart and Beats;
Night and Moon;
Birds and Songs;
Roses and Love; &
You and Your SMILE.
So keep smiling! Have a great Weekend!
hi Happy, thanks for the subscribe,
have a great weekend. keep inspiring!!
Hi Happy,Waves are inspiring,
Not coz they rise-n-fall;
But coz each time they fall,
They never fail to rise again!
Hope u rise always! Good Morning
Hi Happy. Thanks for reading my posts. Just be and do the best in your studies and in life.You'll go places brother!
Hi,Happy good evng, how r u?how is study going? God bless u,take care.
Happy, wat do u know about the Chilunga Intelligentia?
Thank u for pulping my posts.
have a gorgeous day ahead...:)
thank u for the pulp'd ")
enjoy your day :)
Thanks for the compliments Happy, and for reading my posts too. Keep inspiring.