ian david

Inspirations Created
I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.
I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.
Hey my friend. This is is very open. Everyone is everyone's friend. You can browse any profile and write on anyone's wall. They should get back to you.
Also, subscribe to as many people as you want, not a big deal if they dont subscribe back. In your subscription button up above when clicked on you'll see posts of the people you subscribed to. Read those for inspiration/motivation.
The "Post Now" button is simple, post anything that motivates or inspires you. Quote, video, your thoughts on life, picture or anything else that comes to mind. Share it with everyone here and people will read and interact with it. You might change someone's outlook on life in the process.
Were happy to have you here :) Let me know what you think by writing on my wall. There are great people here like myself and AtiYaya that will help you with anything you need.
Hey Ian :) Newbie huh ? Its okay. We're here to help you. According to you; can somebody help me? i am a newbie here in pulp. can u add me?
Subscribe is something like add friend in Facebook. Simple right ?
Next, if you want to post a quote, or short story or etc, just click on POST NOW and copy and paste the quotes that you want to share.
Hope this can help you. Need more help ? Ask our man, Roman Price. Thank you :)