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Roman Price commented:

Happyann thanks for joining LifePulp!

If you get a chance let me know what you think of the site :)

fire zz commented:

oh nice massage...........

endre seljelid commented:

You should be true

You should be true
But not to any human
That clings to your hands in barren greed

Not to any ideal
That is bloating in big letters
Without touching your heart

Not to any commandment
Which makes you a foreigner
In Your own body

Not to any dream
You haven't dreamed yourself.

When were you true?

Were You true
When you kneeled in the shadow
Of someone else’s idols?

Were you true
When your actions drowned the sound
Of Your own heartbeat?

Were you true
When your cowardice disguised itself
And called itself conscience?


But when that which touched you
Gave tone

When your heartbeat
Gave rhythm to action
When you were one
With your desires;

Then you were true!

muhammad machfud commented:


Happyann P

Inspirations Created


Just Saying

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.


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