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Prince GGG commented:

"Any combination of Million Words from 26 Alphabets can NEVER express My FRIENDS"

this Message is dedicated to such a Dear, Near n Real Friends of mine, who is YOU....

Hi Ron, How are u doing fiend??? Hope all is well...Have a wonderful Day Ahead....God Bless, tc n keep smiling

Prince GGG commented:

As people see my messages everyday, they might think I am addicted to messages..
But actually I am addicted in holding good relations in this Life…..n this Message is for “One of MY Good Friend”…. Good Morning Ron….Have a Great Day…. :-))

saurabh tripathi commented:

Mayroon kang isang matamis na ngiti tulad ng honey ... panatilihin at nakangiting ... pagpalain kayo ng Diyos.

Divine G sent a gift:

ron, how are u doing take care

Prince GGG commented:

"Life never seems 2 be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can...."
There is No Perfect Life, but we can always fill it with Perfect Moments...
n I wish All Ur days are filled with Those "Perfect Moments"...

Good Morning Ron...Have a wonderful Wednesday... :-))

Prince GGG commented:

At times we may not know where GOD is but we can be confident that HE always knows where we are…..Good Morning Ron...Have a wonderful day n a successful week .. :-))

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Ron.

Magdalena Anna commented:

Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~Charles M. Crowe

glr MD commented:

Thank you for the Subscription.. be inspired

Prince GGG commented:

GOD BLESS YOU is such a small prayer….but it means a lot. It Means May the LORD with HIS Gracious Hands, give You more than You have Prayed for…...Good Morning Ron....tc n keep smiling

Prince GGG commented:

Every Sunrise delivers opportunities while every sunset asks what we did with the opportunities….. Make the best of TODAY…

Good Morning Ron..…Have a wonderful Friday.. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

7 Lovely Logics....

1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time, some time.
4. No one is a reason of your happiness except yourself.
5. Don’t compare your life with others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6. Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers.
7. Smile -:-)

Good Morning Ron… :D)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Ron....Have a wonderful day today n a successful week ahead...God Bless, tc n keep smiling

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Ron. Have a relaxing weekend with friends out there in Dubai. Take care always.

Prince GGG commented:

From"Life !


To"Hope !



Good Morning Ron...

Chill sent a gift:

thanks for pulping my post Ron! Have a wonderful day!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi...Good Morning Ron, Have A Great Monday n a successful week...God bless

saurabh tripathi commented:

Wow...so pretty..!!!

Prince GGG commented:

Relations require real efforts….even when all of us are busy with our own lives, a simple message after a long time will remind that few relations are still alive….Hi Ron

vikas dagar commented:


Rahul Dhiman commented:

hey babe.....how u doin ???

Rahul Dhiman commented:

hi babe.....whats up ?

Neemah Joe sent a gift:

Hi Ron It'S A PLEASURE to meet you here

Prince GGG commented:

:-)) Hi Ron, How are u doing??? Have a blessed day....tc n keep smiling

anne vera commented:

From my “HEART” I wish you a morning full of L O V E and a prayer that you would always be safe in GOD’s care… Good morning RON..

Jakub S commented:

Ron, your posts are beyond amazing. It is always great to read new posts from you

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-03-04):Thank you very much! Lifepulp change my perspective in my life. I Love Lifepulp!
Last Reply: 2012-03-04
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Ron...... thank you for pulping my post :)

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-03-04):ur welcome:) Your posts are simply amazing!
Have a Blessed Sunday to you :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-04
Total Replies: 1
Eisa Rene Batallones commented:

Ron thank you subscribing

ron cobilo commented:

Have a blessed ash wednesday to all my friends!♥

Roman Price commented (on 2012-02-22):You as well :)
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented (on 2012-02-22):likewise Ron,... just arrived from church!
Last Reply: 2012-02-22
Total Replies: 2
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Dear Ron,
I hope you doing fine always, and I'm sorry for not posting lately cause it's so busy for me. Take care always dear Friend, and keep safe always. God Bless You. I hope to posts next week.

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-21):Hi Dear Effendy!
How are you? I'm doing fine, thanks!
It's ok.. Take care always!
God Bless u more!
Thank you again for being such a great person and wonderful friend :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-21
Total Replies: 1
love jack sent a gift:

hi ron thank you for pulping my post..keep smiling :))

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-20):ur welcome! Take care always :)
ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-20):ur welcome! Take care always :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-20
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

hi ron..thanks for dropping by..enjoy your day my friend...mwuah!

Jakub S sent a gift:

Ron, hope you are having yourself an amazing weekend, thanks for always pulping my posts

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-19):wow i like pop corn hehe! thanks :)Love your posts! Have a Blessed Sunday!
Last Reply: 2012-02-19
Total Replies: 1
Marlene M commented:

Have a great weekend Ron :)

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-18):thanks :) Have a great weekend too, marlene! God Bless U Always :)
ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-18):thanks :) Have a great weekend too, marlene! God Bless U Always :)
Last Reply: 2012-02-18
Total Replies: 2
sam kwarteng commented:

Show me your best friend and I'll tell you who you are."
am proud to be your friend .

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-18):thanks! take care!
Last Reply: 2012-02-18
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Good Morning Ron.......n A VERY Happy Valentine's Day...Enjoy This Day of Love with Your Dear Ones:-))

Marlene M commented:

Happy Valentines Ron :)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Ron....Have a wonderful week ahead... :-))

Marlene M commented:

Hi Ron thanks for pulping my posts :)

Megami Hinata sent a gift:

hi miss ron. thank you for pulping my posts.:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Ron...Have a wonderful Wednesday.. God Bless U :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Ron :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Ron....Have a wonderful week ahead.....God Bless... :-))

(thanks for the beautiful message n card on my wall, i really appreciate this sweet gesture of yours)

Prince GGG commented:

Valuing SOMEONE is not merely by seeing each other everyday…
What counts is that somehow in our busy lives, we remember to say, Take Care…Gud Morning Ron.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Ron....Have a wonderful Wednesday... :-))

Marlene M commented:

One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. One touch can show you care, one friend can make life worth living for.

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-02-04):your welcome!
thanks for the friendship :)
TC & May GOD Bless you always..
Last Reply: 2012-02-04
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Ron....have a wonderful day ahead....God Bless. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Ron...Have a wonderful Monday and a successful week ahead....God Bless.... :-))

Marlene M commented:

Hi Ron Thanks for always pulping my posts :) God Bless!

Megami Hinata sent a gift:

thank you for all the pulps ate ron..:)

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-29): your welcome my dear sister! wow ice cream..i really love it, thanks:)
Have a nice day :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-29
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Morning is a perfect time
“to Pray”
“to Love”
“to Care”
“to Smile”

So, enjoy ur lovely morning with ur smiling face…Good Morning Ron

anne vera commented:

May the blessings of God
Surround you to keep you safe today
May the comport of Angels
Guide you and help you along the way...
..lovely morning Ron..mwahh!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Ron....Thanks for your kind words on my wall, i appreciate this.....Here I wish YOU Have A Good Day ahead. God Bless :-))

anne vera commented:

..morning Ron...

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-25):Hi Anne!
Thanks for pulping my posts!
God Bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-25
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Ron...Have a Wonderful Tuesday....Smiles :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi... Very Good Morning Ron....Have a Great week ahead.. :-))

Jakub S sent a gift:

have yourself a great weekend Ron

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-24):Thanks!
Take Care & Keep Smiling :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-24
Total Replies: 1
Kristoffer Viray sent a gift:

Hi Ron thanks a lot for pulping my posts. happy weekend to you.

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-24):wow i love this..thanks! it's yummy hehe :)
TC & God Bless :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-24
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Ron....Have a blessed Wednesday.. :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Morning is God’s way of telling us:
Here is One more time! Live life.
Make a difference.
Touch a heart.
Inspire a soul…
Encourage a mind.
Good Morning Ron :)

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-25):Thank you for the inspiring words!
& thank you also for pulping my posts!
Take Care always & Keep Smiling :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-25
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Ron....

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Ron....n Thanks for visiting my wall n leaving beautiful words on it....i really appreciate it....n love those cup cakes.... :-))Thanks, I wish u Have a great week ahead.....God Bless, tc n keep Smiling :-))

anne vera commented:

...flowers for you..have a lovely evening friend..

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):wow nice! thank you! God Bless You Always..
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 1
namita saisun commented:

Hey ron thanks for pulping my post...thanks

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):hello
Your welcome!Have a nice day.. :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Ron....n thanks for reading and pulping my posts....keep visiting my posts in future as well....God Bless U....Have a blessed day... :-))

gelmae facturan commented:

thank you ron for subscribing and pulping my post..
have a great with us your LP family..

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):Your welcome! & Thank you for the lovely flowers..i like it..
God Bless You Always.. :)
gelmae facturan commented (on 2012-01-17):good morning ron..add me in my fb account
[email protected]
thank you..have a blessed day ahed:)
Last Reply: 2012-01-17
Total Replies: 2
jelai m commented:

thank you Ron..

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):your welcome..
God Bless you always.. :)
ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):your welcome..
God Bless you always.. :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 2
Jakub S commented:

Ron it is always nice to see you like my posts by pulping them

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):yeah..your posts are so inspiring..
Thanks for inspiring us..
Have a nice day :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Ron....Have A Great day ahead... God bless U... :-))

anne vera commented:

..hellow...how r you?gud mownin RON..

Olivia Zimmerman commented:

Thank you for subscribing and pulping my posts!!

ron cobilo commented (on 2012-01-15):your welcome..
Have a nice day :)
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Ron.....Have a Good Day... :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Sweet morning Ron.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi RON, Very Good Morning n Have A Great Week ahead....God Bless, tc n Keep smiling.... :-))

anne vera commented:

..eow there!dropping by to say HI"...

anne vera sent a gift:

..tnx for subscribing me me RON..good eve..

Prince GGG commented:

Hi RON, How are you my dear Friend....I hope you had a Happy time during Christmas n New Year Eve.... Here I wish YOU and YOUR Family, A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 n a Happy weekend....God Bless, tc n Enjoy

ron cobilo commented:

With a new year, comes bigger challenges and opportunities. Beat the challenges and grab the opportunities, with an equal zeal. Happy New Year my Lifepulp Family!!! Cheers!!!

Roman Price commented (on 2011-12-31):Happy New Year!
Last Reply: 2011-12-31
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Merry Christmas Ron. A thoughtful lady deserves the best not only this Christmas but each day of the year.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-31):Thank you Ate Joy! Merry Christmas too & a Prosperous New Year!
ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-31):Thank you Ate Joy! Merry Christmas too & a Prosperous New Year!
Last Reply: 2011-12-31
Total Replies: 2
Jakub S commented:

Ron, seeing your holiday message on my wall brightened up my day. Thanks for being part of LifePulp and getting my Christmas off to a good start today.

ron cobilo commented:

To All My Lifepulp Family,
May the lovely spirit of Christmas bring you lots of peace, joy and happiness. May it live with you all through the Christmas season. Here's wishing you a Wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Roman Price commented (on 2011-12-24):Merry Christmas :)
Last Reply: 2011-12-24
Total Replies: 1
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Dear Ron have a great christmas time together with you love ones. Always take care. Here is a gift for you. A wish full of love.

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

A Peaceful Christmas and
A happy and prosperous new Yer

Achi Z commented:

Here’s wishing you & your loved ones a meaningful Christmas & a healthy, bountiful New Year ron!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi RON, Merry Christmas to You and to All Your Family n Friends….Enjoy

Prince GGG commented:


They all are waiting for ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’…

So get up, n Have A NICE Day ahead..


Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning RON....Have a wonderful day today...Smiles :-))

love jack commented:

thank you ron for subscribing my post god bless you always and your family keep smiling :))

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning RON.......Thank you very much for visiting my wall n leaving a beautiful message card on it....I really appreciate this kind gesture of yours......n really liked your posts as well......Keep it up dear.... wish You Have a blessed day ahead....God bless, tc n keep smiling :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Hi Ron,
how are you !
thanks for dropping by my dear friend!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-20):your welcome!
take care always.. :)
Last Reply: 2011-12-20
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S sent a gift:

Ron, in case I don't get a chance later on during the week, have yourself a great Christmas

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-20):Oh thanks! Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year!!!
God Bless you always..
Last Reply: 2011-12-20
Total Replies: 1
ARMAN S commented:

Thanks Ron for pulping my posts..Merry Christmas..

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-20):your welcome! Merry Christmas & Have a Prosperous New Year!!! :)
ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-20):sooo cute! thanks! namiss ko lalo anak ko..
ARMAN S commented (on 2011-12-21):hahahaha kamukha ba ng anak mo yan ron? hehehe lol..God bless
Last Reply: 2011-12-21
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
lena peter commented:

hello cute how are you doing today ?

Jakub S commented:

Ron, thanks for pulping my posts. Hope you weekend is great

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-18):Just read your messaged. Your welcome! Have a nice day!
Last Reply: 2011-12-18
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

hi ron..thank you so much for always pulping..always take care..mwuah!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-18):your welcome! Take Care also tsup!
Last Reply: 2011-12-18
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Ron...:) just drop by!

EBEN RILL commented:

hi daer
it`s me eben a new friend

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-09):Hello Eben!
Welcome to Lifepulp!
EBEN RILL commented (on 2011-12-09):thanx hope u`ll keep me as your best ever friend.
Last Reply: 2011-12-09
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

a very cool morning and a hot coffee just for you ron...hope everything's well with you my friend...i missed you my friend....take care...mwuah!

spyrose ƸӜƷ sent a gift:

hi Ron:)

im so glad to see you around :)

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-07):Thank you! God bless you more!!! :)
Last Reply: 2011-12-07
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

good day:)

God bless!

Prince GGG commented:


‘A message to start your day’

‘A Prayer to bless your way’

‘A cheer to make perfect your day’
‘ A moment to say, TAKE CARE n Have A Nice Day….. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good morning Ron....Have a wonderful day today....God bless, lots of Love n Prayers for you n your family.... :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very good Morning RON....Have a wonderful week ahead....God bless

Jakub S commented:

I really do love all your posts, they always seem to connect with me

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-04):Thank you so much Jakub! May God bless you always.. :)
Last Reply: 2011-12-04
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

ron have a great weekend ahead...take care always..mwuah!

Tinna K.K sent a gift:

Hi Ron, how are you doing,
hope you are getting better,
get well soon....God himself will
heal you....love you...mwaaaaaaaah

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-24):Dear Ernistina,
Thank you soooo much for your concern!
I really appreciated!
Love you too :) tsup!
Last Reply: 2011-11-24
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning RON...Have a wonderful Wednesday....God bless, tc

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good morning RON....Have a blessed day...Enjoy!!!

(n thanks for pulping my posts :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ sent a gift:

hi Ron;)
Thank you for pulping my posts...
Have a nice evening!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-24):your welcome dear!
Have a bless day! :)
Last Reply: 2011-11-24
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price sent a gift:

Thanks for pulping my posts.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-24):Just read your message..
Your welcome!
Have a nice day! :)
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-29):You as well :)
Last Reply: 2011-11-29
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

hi ron...thanks for your time to read my posts...keep inspiring too my friend..take care always...keep in touch...:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning RON....I wish You have a wonderful day today n A Blasting week ahead...God bless, tc n Be Happy

(thanks for visiting my profile n leaving your fragrance there... :-)))

JOY to the world commented:

Mornings are great occasion to appreciate the newness of life; that each day is a new beginning, a new journey to explore our giftedness and that of others. Life is worthwhile,when as we journey we walk hand in hand joyfully with dear friends, like you, to the destination we want to reach. Have a great day Ron. Good morning.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning RON.....How are you my dear Friend.....Have a happy time ahead, Enjoy ur day n ur weekend....Love n Prayers for You

☆Effendy Karto☆ sent a gift:

Great weekend dear. Take care always. Kind regards, Effendy :)

☆Effendy Karto☆ sent a gift:

Great weekend dear. Take care always. Kind regards, Effendy :)

erikk rikk commented:

All mornings are like a painting, you need a little inspiration to get you going, a little smile to brighten it and a message from someone who cares to color your day and one of the most exiting joy in life is waking one day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-18):very well said..your right! thanks! you too my friend. Have a nice day!
Last Reply: 2011-11-18
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good morning RON.......You are looking cooooool in new profile....i really like it,..... just take care of yourself dear friend, keep safe, God bless YOU :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Best Freinds are the family God forgot to give you.

Prince GGG commented:

You are one of my BESSSSTEEEESSSTTT Friend....thanks for your precious Friendship.... :-)) n thanks for the beautiful card n Chocos, i love them

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):thank you for that!..your much welcome Panky! take care always Ok..tsup!
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Yehh....good to know that you love candies.....will send you more....but eat them one at a time otherwise you will become more sweet.....ha ha ha....but love to feel that you are smiling while reading n eating these candies.... :-)) God bless you dear friend

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):yeah you are right i become more sweet & getting fat he he (i just smiling right now) God bless you more my dear friend..
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Ron, How are you my dear cute sweet Friend....Hope you are doing well n enjoying life....have a great time ahead...God bless, tc n keep shining and growing in ur Life...

(some candies for you, enjoy them as well.... :-))

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):you too my sweet & thoughtful friend. Thanks for your kind words! yeah..i also love candies hehe..i think this one is so delicious hehe!Thank you so much! tsup!
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S sent a gift:

Ron, your posts are spectacular, that is why I pulp and comment on them.If there ever will be a Super Pulp button I would have used that

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):wew nice words!..thank you so much hehe..you make me smile. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to posts here. God bless you my friend..
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
☆Effendy Karto☆ sent a gift:

Hi dear Ron, Have a great day. Here is gift for you. The moment you open it; surprise, a hug for you lovely Ron.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):wew thank you so much my friend effendy! I love surprises ha! ha! Take care always..
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 1
Tinna K.K commented:

Thanks Ron for that beautiful
card****just dropping by to say

Achi Z commented:

hi ron..flowers for you...:)

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-16):wew thank you so mush!
you are so sweet..
take care my dear..
Last Reply: 2011-11-16
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Ron...How are you dear friend....thanks for the beautiful card on my Profile...i super like it....Keep visiting my page, it makes me feel good to have nice people around...God bless, tc n keep smiling

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-16):I'm glad you like it.
God bless you more..
Prince GGG commented (on 2011-11-17):I really super Like it, thanks again...muaaah
ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-17):your welcome dear..
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
Achi Z commented:

hi ron...nice to see you here..i just want to say thank you so much for pulping my posts...keep inspiring too...God bless...

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-15):I'm Good my friend, How about you? Your welcome dear! God bless you more!
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hey Ron....you like flowers....okhey...here are some more for you...hope you like them... :-))

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-15):hehehe oh thank you panky..you are so sweet! god bless you always my friend!
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
Tinna K.K sent a gift:

Hi, Ron thanks for the subscribe
God bless you. I love your post sooo
much..keep inspiring dear friend..

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-15):Hello Ernistina
It's my pleasure my dear!
Thank you for pulping my posts
God bless you too.
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Ron, Very Good Morning....how are u doin dear friend?? have a blessed day...God Bless, tc

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-15):I'm Good my friend. I can never thank you enough... but I will try to. Thanks a million. stay sweet as you are.
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S sent a gift:

Your posts were absolutely Amazing today. I am not just saying that, they were really, really good!!!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-15):wew thank you so much! It's very appreciated.
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Ron....Thanks for subscribing my posts.... Please Keep visiting my posts n profile again n again, n keep in touch....Have a Blasting week ahead....Enjoy @ maximum n keep spreading happiness around you....God bless You, tc dear friend

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-14):Hi Panky, ur much welcome dear! the flowers are gorgeous,thanks so much!Take care also & God bless u more!! :)
Prince GGG commented (on 2011-11-14):
Thanks for your precious friendship Ron....I am blessed, thanks. You Like Flowers???? Have some more, to make u feel good n to bring smile on your face... :-)) Smiles
ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-14):yeah.. i love flowers! Thank you for the lovely flowers. thank u for being my new friend!
Last Reply: 2011-11-14
Total Replies: 3
Roman Price sent a gift:

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful inspirations.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-14):I truly appreciate this.
I thank God i meet you all guys!
I learned so much in this site, Love Lifepulp.com!
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-15):So happy to hear that :)
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 2
ARMAN S commented:

Thanks Ron for subscribing and keep on posting. God bless you.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-12):
ur welcome arman! May God bless us all :)
Last Reply: 2011-11-12
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price sent a gift:

Ron thanks for the wonderful inspirations on LifePulp!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-10):Wow I love this page! I first want to say thanks to the author of this website for creating it.You're a hero and an inspiration. Your words of wisdom open our mind in the reality. I think every post that we read touches our lives. More Power and God Bless..
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-10):Bless you as well :) Thanks so much for the kind words.
Last Reply: 2011-11-10
Total Replies: 2
Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hello ron , welcome to lifepulp.Have a great day!

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-09):hi! thank you! You have a nice profile pic hehehe. Have a great day also!
Last Reply: 2011-11-09
Total Replies: 1
☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

God Bless You Too Sooo Much Dear Friend.

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-04):thank you so much dear! May God bless Us All..
Last Reply: 2011-11-04
Total Replies: 1
jezrel cano commented:

hello new member :))
subscribe me if u want

enjoy pulping,
kip inspired

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-04):Hello! thanks..
jezrel cano commented (on 2011-11-12):how are you?
do u hav ym?
so that we can chat some times.
ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-12):I'm Good
How about you? how's your day?
yes i [email protected]
Last Reply: 2011-11-12
Total Replies: 3
Roman Price commented:

Welcome to LifePulp :)

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-11-04):thanks!
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-04):Your more then welcom
Last Reply: 2011-11-04
Total Replies: 2

ron cobilo

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