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Roman Price commented:

Hey brother, hows the planning coming along?

Filipe Leite commented (on 2012-04-17):Its good brother!!! Everything is set to go, I just need some help fundraising if you can give me a hand spreading the word, that would be amazing! I just launched this today will start pumping hard tomorrow morning. http://igg.me/p/95160?a=551519 thaks Roman
Roman Price commented (on 2012-05-25):Hey brother, happy to hear things are set to go. I'll let a few friends know about the cause.

Happy to help.
Last Reply: 2012-05-25
Total Replies: 2
Marina V commented:

Hi mr FILIPE LEITE Thanks for subscribing me All the best

May C commented:

thanks my friend

Marina V commented:

Nice profile picture

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for subscribing Filipe and for your inspiring videos. Great labor of love especially for aids victims. God bless you and your advocacies.

Roman Price commented:

Great meeting, IM sure we'll talk soon brother.

Filipe Leite commented (on 2011-08-18):Great meeting indeed Roman!!! Very soon I'm sure
Roman Price commented (on 2011-08-19):100% brother. Thanks for the wonderful inspirations on the site thus far. More to come from the both of us IM sure.
Last Reply: 2011-08-19
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price commented:

IM honored to have you join LifePulp, looking forward to meeting you in person brother.

Wanna know more about Journey America.

Filipe Leite commented (on 2011-08-14):I'm honoured to be a part of Lifepulp!!!!! This is an amazing website Roman. Congratulations
Lets set something up asap! What does the upcoming week look like for you?
Roman Price commented (on 2011-08-14):Shoot me over an email, let me know what works for you and I'll make sure IM there. [email protected]
Last Reply: 2011-08-14
Total Replies: 2
Filipe Leite commented:

Positivity will only move the world to a better place! Love this site

Filipe Leite

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