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Monica Michelle posted:

To hate all roses; because you got scratched by one thorn.
To give up all your dreams; because one did not come true.
To lose faith in prayers; because one was not answered.
To give up on your efforts; because one of them failed.
To condemn all your friends; because one of them betrayed.
Not to believe in love; because someone was unfaithful.
Remember that, another chance may come up.
A new friend, A new love, A new life.
Never give up on anything.

Views: 219
Comments: 4
Posted: Apr 9, 2011
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JOY to the world commented:

Very inspiring. What ever happens life must go on. Behind a misfortune is a blessing waiting for us.

irfan khan commented:


Gemaima Abayon commented:

great post... really true...also happens for a purpose...

Monica Michelle commented:

Everything happens for a reason. ^_^


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