The LORD's Ministry Is ONE & ALL TRUTH...
Matt 3:1
In those days JOHN the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
and Saying,
"Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven
is at hand!"
For this is He who was spoken of
by the prophet ISAIAH, saying:
"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
'Prepare the way of The LORD;
Make HIS paths straight.' "
Matt 4:17
From that time JESUS began to preach
and to Say,
"Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven
is at hand."
Matt 4:23
And Jesus went about all Galilee,
Teaching in their synagogues,
Preaching The Gospel of The Kingdom,
Healing All kinds of sickness
and All kinds of disease
Among the people.
Rev 21:1
Now I saw a NEW Heaven and a NEW Earth,
for the first heaven and the first earth
had Passed Away.
Also there was no more sea.
The HOLY city, NEW Jerusalem,
coming Down out of heaven from GOD,
PreparED as a Bride
adorned for Her Husband.
Rev 21:5
Then HE who sat on The Throne SAID,
"Behold, I make All things NEW."
And HE said to me,
for These words Are TRUE and FAITHFUL."
Rev 22:17
And the SPIRIT and The Bride Say, "COME!"
And let him who Hears Say, "Come!"
And let him who Thirsts Come.
Whoever Desires,
let him Take
The Water of LIFE Freely.
Rev 22:20
HE who testifies to These things says,
"Surely I AM
coming Quickly." AMEN.
Even so, Come, LORD JESUS!
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