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linnet maina posted:

life is a journey that we all partake with courage and determination no matter the challenges, we face on the way we should not dismay er or despair but rather shake off the dust and press on more harder like the donkey( " a man posed a donkey then one day it fell on a ditch the man tried to pull it out but failed he called out for his friends to pull it out but to no avail, they tried all they could but didn't succeed until they gave up ,and the man decided to bury it alive so they started scooping sand and throwing it to the donkey, the more they threw the sand the more the donkey shook it off and didn't despair, to their surprise the more sand they threw the higher it gave the donkey a arise until it was able to come out. same thing with life you might have faced the most difficult situation in your life and people have tried to help or assist you to no avail until they have given up on you. never despair nor loose hope because the challenges you experience are not suppose to finish neither destroy you but rather make you rise and shine higher above the highest levels.

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Posted: May 7, 2011
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