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Miriam Isaki posted:

Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.

Views: 269
Comments: 7
Posted: May 9, 2011
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Marina V commented:


senanu christian commented:

It is hard to forgive but have too

cha-cha prado commented:

it takes time to heal all wounds, so forgiving is not that quick but it doesnt mean u dont have to forgive..it will just takes time..

JOY to the world commented:

True we must forgive but to forgive quickly especially if the hurt is deep is not that easy.

Roman Price commented:

Forgiving and forgetting are very different. You can forgive, helping let go of the burden your holding onto and living a super happier life. But you don't have to forget, and you dont have to let that person back in your life the same way.

Know your worth, and never settle for less.


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