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Maria Rita Manis posted:

Some say crush is just a feeling
Which is natural and uneverlasting,
And need not be dealt seriously.
For in a very little moment,
This crazy feeling for you will end!!
I had strongly thought before
A moment will come I wouldn't love you anymore.
But what's this that I'm feelin'?
The longer the time we've been together
The stronger is the love I'm feeling for you
And while I am writing this poem,
I can no longer hold on with my feelings
Even you are now in someone else's arms
Yet in my heart you are forever cherished!!
But what else can I do?
I just have to smile despite of losing you.
It's been so very hard to voice out
My jealousy upon seeing you with her
but i don't have the rights and reasons
To keep you and hold you tight
For what am I to you?
I am just nothing without any value..,

Views: 56
Comments: 4
Posted: May 18, 2011
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Maria Rita Manis commented:

un nga ei,,4 d sake of the camera lng ang mga ngiting yan,,how sad!!

Gemaima Abayon commented:

ganun po ba...wow...kala ko kayo.. :)

Maria Rita Manis commented:

weh..super wafu nga nian tlga ei..d q nman yan bf..kawork q yan dati

Gemaima Abayon commented:

ate ang gwapo naman ng katabi mo.. bAGAY na bagay kayo.. :)


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