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Te Bi posted:

This is a great example of why you can't quit in life and have to keep going.

Few great leaders encountered defeats so consistently before enjoying ultimate victory as did this individual. A frequently reported listings of these failures includes the following:

Failed in Business in 1831.
Ran for the legislature and lost in 1832.
Failed once again in business in 1834.
Had a nervous breakdown in 1836.
Lost a second political race in 1838.
Defeated for Congress in 1843.
Defeated for Congress in 1846.
Defeated for Congress in 1848.
Defeated for U.S. Senate in 1855.
Defeated for Vice President in 1856.
Defeated for U.S. Senate in 1858.

The man was Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States in 1860

Views: 117
Comments: 1
Posted: Dec 18, 2010
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Roman Price commented:

WOW, around 29 years of failure and on the 30th the most important man in the world...


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