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dayje ledesma posted:

When I'm not there... do you think of me? When you're sad and something's bothering you... do you wish I were there to help comfort you? When you've had a long hard day... do you smile knowing that soon you'll be seeing me, and everything will seem better, even if it's just for a moment? When you lay down at night... do you look back and cherish the new memories you've made with me? And when you get up in the morning, does everything inside of you smile, knowing that this will be another day that we'll be together? because that's how I think of you...

Views: 52
Comments: 4
Posted: May 27, 2011
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dayje ledesma commented:

@Effendy: haha!! thank u!! :) sweet!!

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

There is always someone thinking about you Dear. Do you know why? Cause you mean a lot to them and when sneeze, there is surely someone thinking of you. Like now, Me. :))

Pia J commented:

Love this post. :))

Achi Z commented:



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