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B Maddigan posted:

Hallelujah! Blessed AccomplishED FACTs


Coloss 3:11
Where there CANNOT be

Greek and Jew,
circumcision and uncircumcision,
barbarian, Scythian,
bondman, freeman;

But CHRIST [IS] All and IN All

Eph 2:14
For HE HIMSELF is our Peace,

Who made Both groups into ONE

and Broke Down the barrier
of the dividing wall,

Ephes 2:15
by Abolishing in HIS flesh
the enmity, which is
the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that


He might make the two into ONE New man, thus

Establishing PEACE,

Revelation 5:9
And they Sang a New song, Saying:

"YOU Are worthy

to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;

For YOU Were slain,
And Have RedeemED Us To GOD

by YOUR Blood

Out of EVERY
tribe and tongue and people and nation,

Rev 5:10
And Have made Us
kings and priests to our GOD;

And We
shall reign ON the Earth."


Views: 159
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Posted: Jun 4, 2011
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