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☆Effendy Karto☆ posted:

It is our decisions, not our environment, that determine our destiny. When we make a decision that decision has to be followed by action. It is our actions, not mere words, that make our decisions powerful. Every action we take produces either a positive or negative result. We reap what we sow. If we want to change our lives, we must take action that will produce the kind of results that we desire. Different actions produce different results. We can become what we want by paying the right price. If we do not like what is going on in our lives, then we need to stop what we are doing and start doing things differently. change our actions, start sowing a different kind of seed.

Have a goal, it's the decisions we make, follow through, think long term, avoid short-term gratification, failures obstacles or adversities are not permanent. They will pass! Be willing to change, have a plan, protect the mind our thought-life is very important because we become what we think. To succeed in life, we must develop right thinking. This may take days, weeks, months, even years to develop and establish new thought patterns. Try to avoid negative environments and negative people.

Views: 397
Comments: 3
Posted: Jun 17, 2011
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betty kang commented:

great post, thank you

Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Yes decision is important.Human mind is like a land.We should think about positive things.

JOY to the world commented:

Nice picture Keffendy. Just like the swamp in our province.


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