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Ondina O posted:

Breaking the rules for a humanitarian purpose is what most of the people will not do.

They rather stay in their comfortable ways of earning money from easy ways and stay in front of the mirror trying to get more popularity and self projection for self satisfaction.

Why not invert the rules?

Self projection to give life, to give hope, to give happiness to those whose ways were blocked because of someone else’s popularity and fake masks they're wearing only to protect themselves and stay up in the podium for popularity?

Life, first of all became so fake and the essential things were just left behind... living for the media only?

Clapping hands for a bozo?

Or going together and making good Samaritans?

Make sure that you will do your part in helping the needed ones or else, you will be clapped only as a BOZO!!!

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Posted: Jun 25, 2011
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