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Atiya Nurain posted:

Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

If you don't be still and listen you will miss the opportunities that are given to you to make your life great. If you are praying and nothing is happening, slow down adn be still. The answers will come to you. They may come in very subtle or they come in loud and proud, either way, be still.

Views: 335
Comments: 5
Posted: Jun 25, 2011
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sanguine apolya commented:

amen! :)

dx padz commented:

that's true. there a reason why it happen...

Lei Sacdal commented:

:) i will try this . .

Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Yes , true .Thank you atiya.Good thought for the day.

JOY to the world commented:

Amen my dear sister Atiya. You hit it right.


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