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ohemaa boadi posted:

i won't be left behind
i run my fastest but i still get beat
i land on my head when i should be on my feat
i try to move forward but am stuck in rewind
why do i keep at it?
i won't be left behind.
the harder am thrown
the higher i bounce
i give it my all and that's all that counts
in the first place
myself i seldom find
so i push to the limit
i won't be left behind
some people tell me you can't
some say don't
some simply say give up
i reply i won't
the power is here locked away in my mind
my perseverance is my excellence
i won't be left behind
make the best of each moment
the future is soon the past
the more i tell myself this
the less i come in last
throughout my competition
i've learnt what winning is about
a plain and clear lesson
giving up is the easy way out
so every night before i go to bed
i hope in a small way i have shined
tomorrow is a brand new day
i won't be left behind.

Views: 52
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Posted: Jun 29, 2011
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