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spyrose ƸӜƷ posted:

Even for those who may not be spiritual, prayer is still an essential part of life that we should all take part in. God is someone you can talk to when you can't talk to anyone else about a situation or tough time that you may be experiencing in life. Prayer is also very refreshing, being able to get things off of your chest and mind that you haven't been able to get off with anyone else can be a freeing experience. Everyone has their own way of praying and some of us may not even know how to pray at all, but the only way we can learn is to try.

Prayer has been thought to have the effects of calming a person down, and releasing endorphins to the brain to make you feel comforted and in a happier, steadier place. Praying has also been linked to studies saying that it affects the brain in such positive ways that it will help improve our performance in everyday life handling simple everyday tasks. Let us all take steps today to ensure we set aside at the least a small portion of the day to pray.

Views: 511
Comments: 8
Posted: Aug 16, 2011
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spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

thanks for all your comments!

God bless us all!


great encouragement!!!!!!!

Adeoye Omobola commented:

this touching am great ful

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

It's a really great post dear. Very touching.

anu m commented:

gr8 thought Spy-"Rose"...


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