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sammy west posted:

LOVE IS MUCH MORE BIGGER THAN LIFE.. It's so easy to think about love, to talk about love and to wish for love but it's not always easy to recognize love, even when we hold it in our hands.Its just like A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values.This is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true but sex,just a total physical emotional sensation that ends in just seconds and the only thing that remains of us that keeps us todether is the memory of what we had.if it felt good with us,we wona do it again and again and keep partnership in it...but if i must tell you,believe it or not,,,sex is better had for fun and not for love cuz if it was for love,then why brake up???but if for fun,its over when its over and that is just when we get too use to our selfs then you see the two party looking out for a different person just to frick with a new flavour....IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL LOVE?????ASK YOUR SELF THAT AND GIVE THE ANSWERS TOO.FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD,NOT THIS KIND OF OUR LOVE PLS,OURS IS LOST NOT LOVE,,,,,,

Views: 115
Comments: 2
Posted: Sep 8, 2011
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sammy west commented:

thanks for coming around

ARMAN S commented:

nice one...thanks


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