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Andres Pozo posted:

“The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy.”
Malcolm Forbes

Views: 709
Comments: 4
Posted: Sep 19, 2011
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Skjoukje F commented:

This is the truth of life....it's strange but true...

anita kissex commented:

that is very true

ARMAN S commented:


Percival Meris commented:

People excel in doing the things they enjoy the most. They work not for money but for sheer fun and enjoyment. They work much more than what they are being compensated for, and deliver far greater than what is expected of them. This means they are underpaid for their services. But they do not complain. Because of this, they are always in demand and sought after. Instead of them running after money, money is running after them.


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