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oluwatobi alli posted:

Continuation of My Discussion with God!!!

He also said that the Strategy of the enemy includes Distraction to prevent Christians and HIS Body( The church as a whole), from Doing their primary assignment which is soul winning.

This distraction include, Criticism of Our selves, Football(Many at times He all ways speaks to us but we are distracted and more occupied with this), Entertainment to name a few,Unfortunately, some Christian are also indirectly working for the Good of the enemy by sponsoring and being activity involved in this.

All aspects of the world i.e politics, entertainment, religion, technology e.t.c and all other sectors have been infiltrated and are been controlled by the enemy.

The mystery He revealed is that there is another enemy camp aside the devil and his angels with their own unique mission to dominate the earth, i didn't know this until He revealed it to me, and their mission to do this has started ages ago and is now more intense.

To discover who they are enter and like http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inspired2blessSons-o /> Because this information is For those who want to Grow, mature and those who are soldiers of Christ in this End time, He also commissioned me to Go about and preach this message, all over, the first meeting was on the 18th and it was awesome,
see you in the page..you are blessed!!!

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Posted: Sep 19, 2011
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