Power of a Seed part2
The power of a seed is not in it's size but in level of sacrifice or what is remaining after it is removed and the quality of the ground where it is sown!!!
Jesus was an earth shaking Seed of God after Him God had nothing else to give, He sown Him( His entirety) for the world's Salvation. He has reaped Millions of Children, including You and I and he is still reaping Today!!!
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Gen 8:22 (ASV)
Interestingly it's both ways i.e for Good and evil the devil also sown disbelief in Eve and also reap millions of fallen men and is still reaping as more men are born, we will still look at what a seed is are blessed in all your doings today!!!
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