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Paul McNeal posted:

"You can't base your life on other people's expectations." - Stevie Wonder

This quote speaks volumes to me because I lived my life for so long based on what others wanted and expected of me. It's just not the way to live. You must live your life - cast a vision and do it. Don't fear what others might think, it's your life to live.

Views: 260
Comments: 4
Posted: Sep 27, 2011
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Marie Velez commented:

Nice inspiration. I have learned to love myself 1, 2 and 3 despite others opinions.

JOY to the world commented:

Very true. Banking on people's expectation to get moving is just like a roller coaster ride. We get dizzy at the end achieving nothing.

Roxanne Ambe commented:

nice Paul :)

Roman Price commented:

Beautiful inspirational post Paul


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