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Gurdit singh posted:

Our thoughts are creative. This is the most important law of nature we need to know. One idle thought doesn’t make much difference, but thoughts are like drops of water - they accumulate. As we continue to rethink the same thoughts over a period of time, they become puddles, ponds, lakes or oceans. If they’re positive, we can float on the oceans of life

Views: 447
Comments: 5
Posted: Sep 28, 2011
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Mars Nadales commented:

something new. :D

mercy ayyagari commented:

gud one

Percival Meris commented:

Your analogy helps me understand more the process of thinking positive versus negative thoughts. Thanks.

Gemaima Abayon commented:

very good... :)

Roman Price commented:

Love it! Just shared it at www.facebook.com/soup.erhero


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